10.2-MP3 Maintenance Patch Notes
September 2021
New Features
Online help includes Search Filters
The online help search feature has been enhanced to include search filters. Users can limit their search for information to a specific section of online help, as shown in the following image. By default, all files are searched. After selecting a section, further refine a search by including a key word. For example, first filter by 'Solution Enablement' and then search for 'automotive export' to find only the export topics within Automotive Solution Enablement.
Log in to the Stibo Systems Customer Community to give us feedback on this new functionality. Online help is always evolving, and user feedback is always welcome. Not registered yet? Register here.
ISSUE-412509 - Performance fix for Multi Reference component
There has been a performance improvement made for loading an item with more than 10,000 references and/or links on the Web UI Multi Reference component. A hotfix is available for step-10.2-mp2.
ISSUE-416914 - Override configuration fix
Fixed an override configuration issue for subfolders on IIEP, when the IIEP is configured with Asset Importer and the input file is a ZIP archive.
ISSUE-463406 - New servlet for logging out
A new servlet has been introduced that can log a user out of Web UI and Keycloak. The new servlet is https://[STEP_URL]/webui/webui/logout. Hotfixes are available for step-10.1-mp3, step-10.1-mp4, and step-10.2-mp1.
ISSUE-467436 - Performance fix for STEP and Oracle
A performance fix has been implemented for STEP when running Oracle.
ISSUE-467966 - In-Memory performance improvements for search
Now, searching below a classification and object type criteria are used to restrict the search results in the workbench when using In-Memory. Additionally, performance improvements have been made to searching below a product (which is only relevant if the product override types are configured on the system) in the workbench while using In-Memory. A hotfix is available for inmemory-7.0.55.
ISSUE-476529 - Compare Records Screen error fix
Previously, an exception sporadically occurred on the Web UI Compare Records Screen. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for step-10.2-mp1.
ISSUE-476611 - Create Variants Action and attribute LOV value fixes
Fixed a layout issue that caused the input fields to have the incorrect height and data when using the Create Variants Action button on Web UI. Additionally, attributes with 5,000+ LOV values are now shown when using an LOV filter. Hotfixes are available for step-10.2-mp1 and step-10.2-mp2.
ISSUE-478259 - STEPXML Joiner fix
Fixed an issue that occurred where the STEPXML Joiner did not consume zipped source files correctly. Hotfixes are available for step-10.2-mp1 and step-10.2-mp2.
ISSUE-480078 - DTP table fix
Fixed an issue where assets in DTP tables were stripped when the page was duplicated.
Swagger schema fix
Fixed a schema validation issue in Swagger UI for the REST API V2 component. A hotfix is available for restapiv2-7.0.11.
Fix for non-English locales on Web UI screen
Fixed problem occurring when a user is on the Web UI Async Translation Job List screen and translation background processes were not shown in non-English locales. Hotfixes are available for lionbridge-with-framework-10.0, sdl-with-framework-10.0 and across-with-framework-10.0 0.
Corrected classpath problem for GDSN Receiver
Fixed a classpath problem in the GDSN Receiver module that caused the method in the public API for this module to not be usable in JavaScript business rules. Hotfixes are available for gdsn2-receiver-7.0.56 and gdsn2-receiver-7.0.57.
Workflow error code fix for REST
Previously, when workflow failed to start, the incorrect error code was passed in the REST response. This has been fixed so that the correct error code is shown. Hotfixes are available for step-10.0-mp3, step-10.0-mp4, step-10.0-mp5 and restapiv2-7.0.9.
Property Direction loading issue fix
Fixed a loading issue that occurred when the Property Direction was set to 'vertical' on the Multi Reference component on the Web UI Node Editor. A hotfix is available for step-10.2-mp1.
E-signature verification fix for SAML
Previously, there was an issue with e-signature verification when SAML was enabled. This has been fixed for multiple IDP authentications, and a hotfix is available for saml-7.0.20.
Amazon SQS message fix
Previously, the Amazon SQS Receiver would drop messages in some instances. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for integration-amazon-sqs-7.0.10.
Faceted search (Elasticsearch) fix
The number of query filters that are sent to Elasticsearch has been optimized to fix faceted search performance issues. A hotfix is available for elasticsearch-integration-7.0.16.
Faceted search date filtering fix for Static Facet
On the Web UI Search screen, faceted search date filtering on blank values has been fixed when using the 'Static Facet' data specification in the Elasticsearch configuration. A hotfix is available for ui-search-7.0.11.
Time out fix
A new customer-specific solution has been implemented to connection time out for downloads. This solution has hotfixes for step-10.2-mp1 and externalcontent-azure-7.0.4.
JDBC database connection retry fix
Now, if an attempt to insert or update a record to a JDBC compliant database fails because the connection to that database has been closed, the connection will retry once to insert or update the record. Hotfixes are available for audit-messaging-7.0.4 and audit-messaging-7.0.5.
Session expiration fix for Web UI
Error handling has been improved for Web UI network and authentication errors from sessions timing out. A hotfix is available for step-10.1-mp4.
Search text localizable
Previously, hard-coded values were used for 'Search' in Web UI. Now, the 'Search' text can be localized.
Multi-value attribute fix
Fixed the '<multisep/>' tag mapping in PLM multi reference and PLM forms.
Filter fix for Node List
Previously, it was not possible to clear filters or change filter criteria on the Web UI Node List if the user had just been on the Node Details screen with Details Overlay. The filters on the Node List have been fixed.
Export configuration fix
When scheduling the data exporter with a selected export configuration, the system will now use the latest version of the saved export configuration (rather than the configuration that was cached during the schedule background process creation). This means that any change applied to the export configuration can affect currently running scheduled background processes that use that export configuration.
Patch Recipe
The 10.2-MP3 baseline patch can be installed with the following recipes:
spot --apply=to:step/platform/step-10.2-mp3.spr
spot --upgrade=step:10.2*
*Before installing the recipe provided by the SPOT --upgrade functionality, review the baseline and component versions that the system will be upgraded to before applying. Verify that the baseline and/or components are the correct versions to be applied (i.e., the versions you did testing on—and not a higher, untested version).
For on-premises systems, refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch (--upgrade=all) in the SPOT Program topic of the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services. For SaaS systems, contact Stibo Systems.
Note: Customers may want to search Jira for their Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers. To do so, while in Jira, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and then select ‘Search for Issues.’ Click on the ‘Advanced’ option on the filtering bar, and then type in ‘issue=’ and the Issue number from the Maintenance Patch Notes. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users will only be able to view Jira tickets for Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a ‘No issues were found to match your search’ message will be displayed.