10.2-MP1 Maintenance Patch Notes
July 2021
New Features
Outbound Integration Endpoint configuration change
Since outbound integration endpoints were first introduced, it has been possible to configure which contexts to export data from. With only a single context selected, the STEP Exporter processing engine has produced plain 'Standard Format' STEPXML, and with multiple contexts selected, it has produced cross-context STEPXML. Switching from a single selection to multiple selections caused the output format to change. This caused issues as switching contexts had a severe impact for downstream systems that needed to start parsing the delivered files / messages differently.
Due to this, the functionality has changed so that it now users can choose whether the STEP Exporter should run in 'Standard Format' or 'Cross Context Format' mode. With this change, it is possible to use cross-context mode for endpoints with only a single context selected. This means that it will not be necessary to change downstream systems should more contexts be added later. For endpoints in 'Standard Format' mode (with just one context configured), it will not be possible to add more contexts without explicitly changing the export mode first.
The three possible configuration variants are:
- Single context, 'Standard Format'
- Single context, 'Cross Context Format'
- Multiple contexts, 'Cross Context Format'
For more information, refer to the Outbound Integration Endpoints section in the Data Exchange documentation here.
Configuration Management Git Delivery plugin change
The Git Delivery plugin no longer requires the 'Local git repository URI' parameter (GitDelivery.LocalRepoUri.[integer] configuration property). When the parameter is not set, a temporary directory will be used instead. This option should always be used for cloud-based STEP environments.
Note: This change is made in the add-on 'configuration-management' component, and it is required to upgrade this component in addition to upgrading the STEP baseline to get the updated functionality.
For more information, refer to the Outbound Integration Endpoints topic in the Data Exchange section of the documentation here.
Improvements to the ECLASS Advanced Screen
A variety of usability improvements / bugfixes have been made on the ECLASS Advanced Screen introduced with the 10.2 release. With this maintenance patch, the width of the columns can be adjusted by using the horizontal slider, based on the view.
To access the ECLASS Advanced Screen and the updated functionality mentioned above, the eclass-advanced add-on component must be upgraded in addition to upgrading the STEP baseline for 10.2-MP1.
For more information on the ECLASS Advanced Screen, refer to the ECLASS Advanced Screen topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here.
ISSUE-398772 - LOV attribute with value save fix
On the Web UI Node Details screen with a LOV attribute with a single value, there was an issue when attempting to save the attribute and the value would return to its previous selected state. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-428688 - LOV value error message fix
In the event that LOV values cannot be deleted during an import, a more descriptive error will be displayed.
ISSUE-430418 - Logging added for PDF generation
Additional logging has been introduced to understand issues that occur when generating PDFs.
ISSUE-431032 - Healthcheck added for GDSN subscriptions
Added a new healthcheck, 'GDSN subscription not linked to a datapool.'
ISSUE-441895 - Toolbar action configuration for Edit Collection Search Criteria
Introduced a configuration property to enable toolbar actions on the Edit Collection Search Criteria mode on the Web UI Advanced Search screen. To enable this property, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-442576 - Business rule exception configuration option
When a business rule exception was thrown from the survivorship rule, a Match & Merge Web Service previously did not show the full message and did not rollback the changes related to the currently imported record. Now, there is a possibility to rollback failing records if a business rule exception is thrown from the survivorship rule. Note: this possibility only affects Match & Merge Web Service and it sets parallel configuration to commit after each job mode to make sure that uncommitted changes have not been rolled back when the exception is thrown. To activate this configuration, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-448595 - Data Container table view screen resolution fix
Previously, when the screen resolution was set to 80% and 67% in Chrome, content on the Data Container table view on the Web UI Node Editor sometimes displayed as three dots. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-451785 - Asset Importer fixes
The Asset Importer configuration, Product Linker plugin, 'Asset Filename Linker,' and 'Asset Matcher' plugins were falling to match with the file name. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-455613 - Columns Control resizing fix
Previously, the Columns Control content on the Web UI Node Editor was not resizing correctly when the Global Navigation Panel was pinned, unpinned, opened, or closed. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-456101 - Fixes for inheritance of data containers on products
Fixed problems related to inheritance of data containers on products. Duplication of a product with an inherited data container failed, when the data container type was not valid for the product. Data containers inherited from grandparent-level or above were not inherited correctly in some cases. Even though data containers are not supported for use with product overrides, note that inheritance in this situation is affected as well.
ISSUE-456232 - Double quote character fix for multi-line CSV imports
Now, escaped with a double quote character will be correctly respected when performing multi-line CSV imports in STEP. Hotfixes are available for step-10.0-mp3 and step-10.0-mp4.
ISSUE-457663 - Character fix for text attributes
Now, greater than and less than tags can be copied and pasted into text attributes.
ISSUE-459070 - Metadata attribute fix for export
An issue with exporting selected metadata attributes in XLS format has been corrected.
ISSUE-460405 - Header Repeating Pagination Plugin fix
Previously in InDesign, when a table with the Header Repeating Pagination Plugin and a number of cell spans were split over multiple pages, an exception was thrown and products were missing in the table. Now, the error will not appear and all products are shown on the table.
ISSUE-460470 - Fix for drag and drop of images to basket to flatplan
Fixed an issue associated with dropping multiple classifications onto a flatplan basket on MacOS when using workbench.
ISSUE-460508 - Image Viewer fix
Previously, there was an issue when attempting to open an image via the Image Viewer on the Product Editor in the workbench. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-461405 - Find Similar Search NPE fix
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that was thrown when Find Similar did not return a result on the Find Similar Search tab on the Web UI Multi Reference screen.
ISSUE-461780 - Error message fix for InDesign
The error message that occurred when creating an InDesign package from documents for the publication has been improved to be more descriptive.
ISSUE-462136 - Global language fix for LOV Management Screen
Now, inherited values from Global language will be shown correctly on the Values tab on the Web UI List of Values Management Screen.
ISSUE-462660 - In-Memory deadlock fix
Fixed a problem for In-Memory where in very in rare cases it could lead to deadlock of system. This issue has been found with two parallel imports. Now, the deadlock is detected and one of the processes will back off and error.
ISSUE-463406 - New servlet for logging out
A new servlet has been introduced that can log a user out of Web UI and Keycloak. The new servlet is https://[STEP_URL]/webui/webui/logout.
ISSUE-463580 - NPE fix for Node Details screen
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) on the Web UI Node Details screen that was caused by a missing label component by one of the inner components.
ISSUE-463875 - Detailed Version Information scrollbar fix
When viewing the Detailed Version Information in the About STEP section, there is now a scrollbar in order to view all the information.
ISSUE-463921 - InDesign table fix
Previously, when placing a table from a product in InDesign, if the table did not have any content and a transformation removed all rows and columns, then a number of error messages were written into the log. Now, tables without rows or columns are not handled.
ISSUE-463996 - Multi Context Screen fix for inherited reference target name
It will no longer be possible to edit the inherited reference target name and metadata on the Web UI Multi Context Screen.
ISSUE-464097 - Flatplan page import fix
Fixed an issue with importing a Flatplan page directly onto an existing modified Flatplan page. A hotfix is available for step-10.1-mp4.
ISSUE-464496 - NPE fix for importing and exporting publications
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that occurred when importing or exporting publications with the On Pages column plugin.
ISSUE-464589 - NPE fix for Merge Attributes Bulk Update
Fixed a NullPointerException that occurred during a Merge Attributes Bulk Update if the source attribute was used in cross-context Classification to Product Links.
ISSUE-464690 - Business condition fix
Now, business conditions on the Web UI Node Editor will not be evaluated when a user is leaving the screen.
ISSUE-464724 - LOV Attribute Value component long words fix
Now, long values for the LOV attribute will be correctly truncated and an ellipsis displays on the Web UI Node Editor screen with the Override Control Type set as 'Radio with clear' option selected.
ISSUE-464904 - Default context fix for Web UI
When a Context Global Representation with a list of available contexts has been set up on Main, a default context which is not part of the available contexts will not be set during the Web UI login.
ISSUE-465206 - Product to classification link import fix
Fixed a setback that caused an issue when importing product to classification links owned by the classification.
ISSUE-465243 - Message Area supplier title fix
Now, the supplier title will be displayed instead of the supplier ID on the Web UI Message Area.
ISSUE-466017 - Caching improvements for localization information
Improvements have been made to the caching of customized localization information used by Web UI.
ISSUE-466138 - Log level fix for token-based authentication
The log file had a false positive SEVERE log level for token-based authentication keys from standard logging. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-466507 - Data Visualization Representation NPE fix
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that was caused by a missing Primary Image Reference Type on the Web UI Data Visualization Representation screen. Hotfixes are available for step-10.1-mp1 - step-10.1-mp4.
ISSUE-466604 - Sufficiency metric calculation fix
Fixed an issue that occurred when the Manager bind caused sufficiency metrics to be calculated in only the current context. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp1 - step-9.3-mp5.
ISSUE-466605 - Background Process performance fix
A performance fix has been implemented for completed BGPs in the event processor.
ISSUE-467419 - Missing mandatory error message fix
Fixed an issue that occurred when switching between items that had missing mandatory values (or any other kind of validation errors relating to the Attribute Value component when on the Web UI Node List. This issue caused a lot of problems to accumulate on a parent tab.
ISSUE-467472 - Embedded Entity cross reference fix
Fixed an issue where Embedded Entity cross references with the same source information but with different object types were treated as self-references during the Match and Merge Import.
ISSUE-467716 - Domain exporter fix for inherited multivalue data
Fixed an issue where inherited multivalue data containers were not correctly exporting in the domain exporter.
ISSUE-467824 - Execution report fix for Cloud Blob Storage Delivery plugin
Execution reports for background processes that use the Cloud Blob Storage Delivery plugin now log the correct file name for delivered files.
ISSUE-467936 - Submit action fix for Attribute Value components
Now, Submit action alerts will not be cleared out immediately on the Web UI Node Editor screen with Attribute Value components with an LOV Cross-Validation business condition.
ISSUE-467970 - Smartsheet row order fix for import preview
Fixed an issue that occurred when importing a Smartsheet template caused the order of rows to be displayed incorrectly on the import preview screen in the workbench.
ISSUE-468105 - Duplicate tag fix for welcome file list error
Previously, when starting the STEP app server, a welcome file list error message was written into the STEP log. The duplicate tags have been removed so the message no longer appears. Hotfixes are available for step-10.0-mp3, step-10.0-mp4 and step-10.0-mp5.
ISSUE-469169 - Fix for visible forgot password option
Fixed 'Forgot password' functionality visibility when LDAP is enabled.
ISSUE-469742 - Action selection fix
Previously, the Submit from Grid and Export actions were not enabled when the user navigated back to the Node List with the existing selection from the Node Details screen. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for step-10.1-mp4.
ISSUE-469802 - Drag and drop fix for Mac OS
Previously, there was an issue in workbench when using Print Flatplanner's 'drag and drop' feature when on a Mac. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-469993 - Asset processor fix
Fixed an issue where the asset processor was trying to set a value after the asset was deleted. Hotfixes are available for step-10.1-mp2, step-10.1-mp3 and step-10.1-mp4.
ISSUE-471126 - Fix for blank lines being added to Web UI XML upon saving within Design Mode
Fixed an issue that occurred in Web UI when changes saved in Design Mode caused an additional empty line to be added for each existing empty line in the Web UI XML configuration. A property has been introduced to clean up the unnecessary empty lines in the Web UI configuration when the configuration has been changed. To enable this property, contact Stibo Systems Support.
Note: the configuration cleaning method is used only when it is being saved in Web UI design mode. Previous Web UI configuration revisions should be cleaned up manually in workbench.
ISSUE-472169 - Loqate now compatible with Java 11
Now, Loqate Cloud Service works correctly with Java 11.
ISSUE-472543 - Clerical Review fix
Fixed an issue on the Status Selector Homepage widget where the default status flag for the workflow state was not respected when a user navigated to the items from the state on the Clerical Review task list in Web UI.
Load balance IP filtering fix
A bug related to IP filtering has been fixed in the non-baseline 'loadbalancer-frontend' component. Customers are advised to upgrade to the latest version of 'loadbalancer-frontend.'
Reference removal fix for MongoDB
Fixed an issue where removing all references was not reflected in MongoDB.
Swagger schema fix
Fixed a schema validation issue in Swagger UI for the REST API V2 component.
CASS field fix
When activating the Standardize Address business rule, no CASS fields were updated when Loqate CASS was enabled. Now, the STEP application server activates Loqate so that CASS fields are returned.
Fix for non-English locales on Web UI screen
Fixed problem occurring when a user is on the Web UI Async Translation Job List screen and translation background processes were not shown in non-English locales.
Corrected classpath problem for GDSN Receiver
Fixed classpath problem in the GDSN Receiver module that caused the method in the public API for this module to not be usable in JavaScript business rules.
Exception fix for Loqate Local CASS
There was problem that caused an exception to be thrown when the Loqate Local CASS caller plugin was initiated. The exception is no longer thrown.
Patch Recipe
The 10.2-MP1 baseline patch can be installed with the following recipes:
spot --apply=to:step/platform/step-10.2-mp1.spr
spot --upgrade=step:10.2*
*Before installing the recipe provided by the SPOT --upgrade functionality, review the baseline and component versions that the system will be upgraded to before applying. Verify that the baseline and/or components are the correct versions to be applied (i.e., the versions you did testing on—and not a higher, untested version).
For on-premises systems, refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch (--upgrade=all) in the SPOT Program topic of the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services. For SaaS systems, contact Stibo Systems.
Note: Customers may want to search Jira for their Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers. To do so, while in Jira, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and then select ‘Search for Issues.’ Click on the ‘Advanced’ option on the filtering bar, and then type in ‘issue=’ and the Issue number from the Maintenance Patch Notes. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users will only be able to view Jira tickets for Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a ‘No issues were found to match your search’ message will be displayed.