Sufficiency Panel

The Sufficiency panel is located in the Web UI. This panel displays quality and sufficiency data for a given product. The data displayed is dependent on the sufficiency and metric settings configured in the workbench; a typical Sufficiency panel would display the name and overall score of a sufficiency, a description for the sufficiency, the names of metrics that are part of the sufficiency, and scores for each metric. There may also be messages for metrics if the metric reports error messages. The scores / messages are color-coded green, yellow, or red, depending on the settings within the sufficiencies in the workbench.

Note: To access the Sufficiency Panel, which is a Setup Entity, the ‘data-sufficiency’ add-on component must be activated on your system. Contact Stibo Systems for more information. To view the Sufficiency Panel in the Web UI, users must have the 'View setup group' and the 'View Setup Entity' privileges. Users must also have the 'Maintain Data Container Type' privilege to approve and save changes to attribute values in the Web UI. For more information regarding privileges, refer to the Action Sets topic in the System Setup documentation here.

Setup entity definitions can be exported as comments and submitted to an external source control system for comparison purposes. For details, refer to the Configuration Management documentation.

For more information on sufficiencies, refer to the Sufficiency Configuration Type topic here. For more information on metrics, refer to the Metrics documentation here.

To update the Sufficiency Panel data based on unapproved edits made in the Product Editor Web UI screen, use the Triggering Workspace parameter in the Data Sufficiency Calculator event processor as defined in the Data Sufficiency Calculator Processing Plugin Parameters and Triggers topic of the System Setup documentation here.

For information on related components for use by data stewards, refer to the Data Enrichment Components topic in the Search Screen section of the Web User Interfaces documentation here.

The Sufficiency panel is accessed by clicking on the Sufficiency Indicator shown below.

The Sufficiency Indicator displays the names of the included sufficiencies and their scores.

Note: The number of sufficiencies displayed in the Sufficiency Indicator is limited to the horizontal space of the monitor in which it is displayed on; however, this does not affect the number of sufficiencies displayed in the Sufficiency panel, i.e., there may be twelve sufficiencies visible in the Sufficiency Inspector, but the Sufficiency panel may contain more than twelve sufficiencies.

The following is an example of a Sufficiency panel with several sufficiencies; the numbers correspond to the descriptive text below the image, which describes in detail the elements that make up the Sufficiency panel.

  1. 'Overall Product Sufficiency (First Pass)' is the name of one of the four sufficiencies run on the product. The other sufficiencies in the sufficiency panel include 'After Market Images,' 'Market Pricing,' and 'Product Age and Type.'
  2. The overall returned value (in this example, '64') of the sufficiency 'Overall Product Sufficiency (First Pass).' If there is no business function added to the 'Business Function Calculation' parameter in the sufficiency that calls for a different result other than the average of the combined metrics within the sufficiency, the returned value displayed will be the combined average of the metrics within the sufficiency.
  3. Descriptive text regarding the sufficiency 'Overall Product Sufficiency (First Pass).' This text is added into the Description text field within the 'Display Configuration' parameter in sufficiency. If the 'Description' text field is left blank, no informative text will be displayed.
  4. 'ProductColorOptionsMetric' is one of the metrics included within the 'Overall Product Sufficiency (First Pass)' sufficiency. In this example, this metric has returned a score of '0.'
  5. The error message that accompanied the '0' returned value for the 'ProductColorOptionsMetric.' This message can be configured and is used to provide details as to why a specific value was returned. Error messages are located directly underneath the metrics that they specifically address.
  6. Because the user configured the returned value for the 'ProductPriceMetric' in the 'Market Pricing' Sufficiency to be displayed as a Boolean and not a number, the value is returned as 'Error'.

Note: The colored backgrounds (green, yellow, red) of returned values, whether in the form of a Boolean or a number, are based on the severity levels set within the sufficiency.