Supplier Locations

If a supplier has multiple locations that could be delivering products to a retailer, and the retailer needs to manage which of those supplier locations it will accept products from, then the supplier Location need to be set up in Accelerator for Retail beneath the supplier classification. A supplier Location object holds the following metadata attributes: 'Is Active' is used to control if the retailer accepts products to be delivered from the location (ship point) and 'Provider GLN' is used to identify the specific location.

Any locations that are flagged as being active will show up as a viable location choice to the user in PDX when they are preparing the product for onboarding.

Once the new products are onboarded from PDX into Accelerator for Retail, the selected 'Primary Location' value will be used for creating a reference from the product to the matching supplier Location object in the supplier hierarchy using the 'Primary Location' classification reference. Likewise, the 'Secondary Location' values are used for creating references from the product to the matching supplier Locations using the 'Locations' classification reference.