Transferring Assets
Assets can be included in the outbound data to PDX by adding the appropriate tags to the Advanced STEPXML template of the PDX OIEP. For more information, refer to Advanced STEPXML Format topic in the Data Exchange documentation here.
The integration to PDX also allows transfer of context-specific assets, when the dimension dependency is managed on the reference type, refer to the Dimension Dependency on a Reference Type section of the Dimension Dependent Reference and Link Types topic for additional details here.
If the assets are stored in an external DAM integrating with STEP, add the following property to the file on the STEP application server to disable the default behavior of STEP pushing asset binaries to PDX:
This is the preferred option in cases where an asset URL is stored on the relevant asset objects allowing PDX to automatically download the assets from the DAM. If this URL can be forwarded to the recipients downstream of PDX, it would significantly reduce the total amount of data transferred between the parties involved.
Note: Only assets in the Approved workspace are delivered by the PDX OIEP. This prevents large exports, potentially including the same images, each time an attribute on a product changes.