Merge Golden Records: Purge Source Data Operation

This operation is available for Merge Golden Records. For more information on a golden records merge solution, refer to the Match and Merge topic in the Matching, Linking, and Merging documentation here.

This operation allows Source Record Data for all sources or per source system to be purged for records with a current source system / record ID reference to the Golden Records.

Important: Source data is purged for Golden Records that are not in the collection if they are or were previously associated with the same source records as the Golden Records in the collection. This consideration applies for Golden Records and Source Records that were part of a merge or unmerge.

For more information on the Bulk Update wizard, refer to the Creating a Bulk Update topic here.


  1. From the Operations dropdown, select Merge Golden Records and then Purge Source Data.

  2. Select an operation radio button:

    • Purge all (no source system filtering)

    • Purge source data for specific source systems - also select the desired source systems from the dropdown.