Web Services for SOAP Requests for Workflows
Complete documentation for Web Services functionality related to workflows can be found in the STEP API documentation at [system]/sdk or by clicking the STEP API Documentation button on the Start Page. This topic provides some basic information and an example of a simple SOAP request, but should not be considered comprehensive.
The STEP Web Services API contains the following methods related to STEP Workflows:
startWorkflow - Method for starting a Workflow on an Object
triggerWorkflowEvent - Method for triggering a Workflow Event for an Object in a State in a Workflow
deleteWorkflowInstance - Method for removing an Object from a Workflow. I.e., deleting the instance.
getTasks - Method for retrieving info about which States an Object is in the specified Workflow. For each State apart from the ID, a STEP URL for the Assignee and the time of entering the State will be returned.
initiateItemInStateflow - Legacy version of startWorkflow
triggerStateflowEvent - Legacy version of triggerWorkflowEvent
removeItemFromStateflow - Legacy version of deleteWorkflowInstance
getItemStateInfo - Legacy version of getTasks
An example using startWorkflow is below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapeny="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="http://stibo.com/step/ws/step/1.0" xmlns:ns1="http://stibo.com/step/ws/types/1.0"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <ns:startWorkflowRequest> <ns:accessContext> <ns1:userName>[Username]</ns1:userName> <ns1:password>[Password]</ns1:password> <!--Optional:--> <ns1:passwordType></ns1:passwordType> <!--Optional:--> <ns1:contextUrl>step://context?id=[Context ID]</ns1:contextUrl> <!--Optional:--> <ns1:workspaceUrl>step://workspace?id=[Workspace ID]</ns1:workspaceUrl> </ns:accessContext> <ns:nodeURL>step://product?[Node ID]</ns:nodeURL> <ns:WorkflowID>[Workflow ID]</ns:WorkflowID> <!--Optional:--> <ns:message>[Message]</ns:message> </ns:startWorkflowRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>