This is one of the topics that describes the architecture of the STEP solution. The full list is defined in the STEP Architecture topic here.
The components listed below all contribute to the data exchange between STEP and external sources / applications. Together, these components create a suite that exposes the STEP system as an open ended and flexible system, which easily integrates with an existing infrastructure.
Inbound Integration Endpoints
Inbound integration endpoints (IIEPs) read from a queue to retrieve data from an external system. When active, an IIEP tracks errors, measures throughput and latency times. For more information, refer to the Inbound Integration Endpoints section of the Data Exchange documentation here.
IIEPs allow a variety of receiver methods, as defined in the IIEP Receiver Methods topic of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Outbound Integration Endpoints
Outbound integration endpoints (OIEPs) sends data via a queue to an external system. For more information, refer to the Outbound Integration Endpoints section of the Data Exchange documentation here.
OIEPs allow a variety of delivery methods, as defined in the OIEP Delivery Methods topic of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Export Manager
The Export Manger wizard allows the user to export STEP data via a background process. For more information, refer to the Export Manager section of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Export Manager can export data via a number of formats, as defined in the Export Manager - Select Delivery Method topic of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Import Manager
The Import Manger wizard allows the user to import STEP data via a background process. For more information, refer to the Import Manager section of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Import Manager can import data via a number of formats, as defined in the Import Manager - Select Format topic of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Web Service API
Custom applications can be built using the STEP Web Services API to read, update and delete data in the STEP PIM. The communication takes place via a standard SOAP protocol providing a maximum of decoupling between the external applications and STEP. For more information, click the STEP API Documentation button on the Start Page.
REST (Representational State Transfer) covers simple transfer of data over HTTP by using URLs to identify the data, the same way typing a URL into a web browser returns HTML which is rendered by the web browser. With the REST API, the URL points to data in a STEP system. The STEP system returns the data in STEPXML format, which enables viewing and navigating data in STEP via a web browser. The same can be done by programs that want to integrate with STEP by issuing an HTTP GET request and parsing XML. It is also possible to issue an HTTP PUT request to update and approve STEP data. There is also an option to apply an XSL stylesheet stored in STEP to the data before it is returned. This enables easy creation of web content proofing by storing XSL and CSS stylesheets as assets in STEP. For more information, click the STEP API Documentation button on the Start Page.
The SQL API can be used to generate customized reports and extractions. The API consists of a series of views and stored packages. These structures can be accessed via SQL, PL/SQL, or other database-enabled programming languages such as Visual Basic or Java in order to extract data. To secure the read-only property of the API, all of the API components are installed under a separate Oracle user account. This user is granted limited rights, excluding update, insert, or delete rights on the tables underlying the views. For more information, click the STEP API Documentation button on the Start Page.
GDSN Integration
Data can be imported from and exported to the data pool 1SYNC, a subsidiary of GS1 US, which is a Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN)-certified Data Pool that offers a range of data synchronization solutions that eliminates costly data errors, increases supply chain efficiencies, and provides a foundation for the implementation of technologies, such as the Electronic Product Code™ (EPC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
Imports are configured as 'subscriptions' in STEP with different criteria. These subscriptions are sent to 1SYNC and if products in 1SYNC match a subscription, STEP receives an import file with the product data included. This synchronization of product data continues until the data receiver or the data provider wishes to stop it.
Exports of STEP products can also be registered with the 1SYNC GDSN data pool. These products may subsequently be published to a specific trading partner via the GDSN network while tracking the status inside STEP. Updates to published products are tracked so that the products may be re-published.
For more information, refer to the GDSN Receiver Solution Enablement documentation (here) and the Product Data Exchange section of the Data Integration documentation