PDX Rules Tab

The PDX Rules tab of the PDX Channel Configurator contains multiple parameters that define the setup of data validation rules in PDX.

LOV Restrictions

Retailers can configure their channel so that when PDX users onboard products, they can make a selection in one LOV attribute and the options available to them in an entirely different LOV attribute will be pre-filtered. This presents the PDX user with a retailer-configured subset of LOV values from which to select. This can be done by configuring a product data validation with a LOV restriction condition.

As an example, an LOV attribute named ‘Country’ is a product attribute a supplier can enrich in PDX. From the LOV dropdown, the user has selected the value ‘Germany’, as shown in the screenshot below.

Because the LOV restriction has been implemented, when the PDX user selects ‘Germany’ the LOV options available in the LOV attribute ‘Region’ will display only German regions, even though the LOV from which the values are drawn contains regions for many countries.

This pre-filtering is controlled via an Attribute metadata attribute, which must be made available on the attribute definition.

The LOV restriction metadata attribute is used to enable the connection between the two relevant LOV-based attributes. For the dependent attribute, which is the LOV-based attribute whose values will be filtered, the value assigned to the LOV restriction attribute should be the ID of the defining attribute, which is the LOV-based attribute that determines the valid values. To continue the example described above, the dependent attribute ‘Region’ would have the LOV restriction attribute populated with the value ‘Country’.

Additionally, the ValueIDs for the two LOVs configured for LOV restriction must also satisfy additional requirements for the cross-validation to work.

  • The ValueIDs of the dependent LOV values, the values being filtered, must be prepended with the value ID of the defining LOV for the cross-validation to work properly.

    To continue the example described previously, the LOV attribute ‘Country’ includes an LOV value 'Germany' with the ValueID 'germany’. To restrict the region options available in the LOV attribute ‘Regions' to only German regions when ‘Germany’ is selected, the ValueID for the German region ‘Mosel' must begin with the ValueID for 'Germany’, which is ‘germany’'. Using this logic, a possible ValueID for ‘Mosel’ could be ‘germany_mosel'.

  • The LOV restriction allows for multiple layers of dependent attributes, not just two.

    To expand upon the previous example, let us say the retailer wants to include a second dependent LOV attribute, in this case ‘City’, to the cross-validation. In this scenario, the LOV restriction attribute for ‘City’ must be set to ‘Region’. A supplier would first select ‘Germany’ for ‘Country’, then ‘Mosel’ for ‘Region, and then, for the ‘City’ LOV attribute, only retailer-relevant German cities in the selected region should be available for the supplier to select. So, if an LOV value from the LOV ‘City’ is to be a selectable value when the user selects ‘Mosel', the ValueID for the valid city, in this case 'Koblenz’, will need to have both of its defining LOV values prepended to its ValueID. Using this logic, a possible ValueID for 'Koblenz' could be 'germany_mosel_koblenz'.

Following are the parameters available within the PDX Rules tab:

  • Mandatory For Submit: This parameter shall be configured with an attribute group. The attribute group holds those attributes that vendors must provide before submitting a product from PDX. If an attribute is mandatory for specific categories, it should not be included in this attribute group.

  • Category Mandatory For Submit: This parameter shall be configured with a metadata attribute. An LOV-based metadata attribute for Product Attribute Link, which defines if an attribute is mandatory for specific categories. The attribute should be LOV-based with allowed values of 'No' (Value ID=N) and 'Yes' (Value ID=Y).

  • Locked After Initiate: This parameter shall be configured with an attribute group. This attribute group holds attributes that the retailer would like to be locked after initial submission or after sending into PDX via the maintenance flow. For example, if a supplier has submitted a product with a specific GTIN, the retailer would want to lock down that attribute so as not to allow the supplier to re-submit the same product with a new GTIN.

  • LOV Restriction: This parameter contains a metadata attribute and defines the LOV restriction metadata attribute as explained above.

Business Rule Engine

The parameters available within this section are relevant to the configuration of advanced product data validations.

Below are the parameters that are available within the Business Rule Engine section:

  • Conditionally Mandatory Attribute: Making attributes conditionally mandatory using the conditionally mandatory functionality should be avoided. It is recommended that the Validation Engine (reference the bullet displayed below) is used instead as this is a more powerful tool that supports a wider range of related use cases.

  • Validation Engine Attribute: This parameter is to be configured with the Validation Engine metadata attribute. The Validation Engine attribute must be multi-valued and use the ‘Regular Expression’ validation base type.

    The correct Regular Expression’ to use can be obtained via request to the PDX Team

    A PDX onboarding channel offers the ability to configure advanced category-specific data validations in the PDX channel via a 'configuration language' referred to in PDX as the Validation Engine.

    The Validation Engine is a tool that can be used to build advanced ‘product data validations’ without requiring admins to write code. Instead, an expression language is used to create the validations.

    The ‘Validation Engine’ is controlled using a metadata attribute on the Product Attribute link. In this way, advanced category-specific data validations can be run on attributes. The Validation Engine attribute must be multi-valued and use the ‘Regular Expression’ validation base type.

    Configuration details

    Every product data validation created in the ‘Validation Engine’ consists of two or three parts:

    • Conditions

    • Error Message

    • Rule ID (optional)

    Product data validations to create validations in PDX are written in the following format, with each element separated by a 'colon' delimiter. Below is a screenshot of the validation format with each element contained within a red box, each specified by a lower-case letter. Below the screenshot is a description of each element:

    1. The logic condition

    2. The keyword that indicates that what follows is the error message

    3. The error message

    4. Keyword that indicates that what follows is the name of the rule

    5. The name of the rule

    Note: The error 'occurs' on the attribute if the condition is met.

    To ensure each product data validation is unique in the system, all generated product data validations will have an ID with an incrementing number appended to it (e.g., ‘PMDMATShortitemDescription_2’ with ‘PMDMATShortitemDescription’ being the product data validation’s ID and the ‘_2’ the incrementing number appended to the ID).

    If no ‘:ruleid:’ is provided in the product data validation, the ID will use a simplified version of the attribute (e.g., ‘PMDM.AT.IsBaseUnit’ becomes ‘PMDMATIsBaseUnit’ with an incrementing number appended to it).

    Validation Example

    To illustrate how a product data validation is written, a product data validation example, written in the STEP Workbench, is shown in the screenshot below and described in detail in this section.

    In this example, the product data validation is written and applied to the ‘Short Item Description’ attribute.

    When properly written, this product data validation presents an error to the PDX user when the ‘Short Item Description’ attribute either has no value, or the value for ‘Short Item Description’ is equal to the value for ‘Long Item Description’, meaning the values for both are the same.

    Below is the example product data validation as it must be written to accomplish the validation task:

    Description:==:null:error:ShortItem Description is required and must be different from Long Item Description

    In this example, the product data validation is made up of the following elements:

    • The condition -- This part of the product data validation specifies the data and which aspect of the data is being validated.

      (<Condition>= PMDM.AT.ShortItemDescription:==:PMDM.AT.LongItemDescription:||:PMDM.AT.ShortItemDescription:==:null:
    • The error message -- If the conditions defined in the product data validation are not met, the text defined in this element are presented to the user.

       <Error Message>= Short Item Description is required and must be different from Long Item Description
    • Product data validation ID -- In this example, no product data validation ID is set (the ‘:ruleid:’ element). As described previously, the PDX system will generate an ID for the rule that is a version of the validated attribute with an incrementing number appended to the product data validation to ensure the ID is unique in the system.

    The error shown in PDX will display as shown in the screenshot below:

    Product data validation elements

    A product data validation, as described in the example above, is built using simple logical operators, attribute IDs, numbers, and text strings. These elements can be combined to produce advanced validations. In the table below, each element is listed and includes a description of the element and an example of how that element can be written into a product data validation.

    Elements Example Description
    STEP Attribute ID PMDM.AT.LongItemDescription Refers to a specific attribute value.
    Fixed numbers or text strings



    'unsaturated fat'

    Refers to a fixed value.

    Note: When comparing with LOV values, the 'ValueID' should be used.

    Literals should be enclosed in single quotes (').




    Simple comparisons can be done to compare numeric values and text strings. Only values from single-valued attributes are supported.

    The full list includes:

    < -- Less than

    > -- Greater than

    =< -- Less than or equal to

    >= -- Greater than or equal to

    == -- Equal to

    |= -- Not equal to


    The constant null is used to indicate ‘no value’ and can be used to check if an attribute has no value.

    Only values from single-valued attributes are supported.

    Logical operators



    Logical operators can be used to group and combine conditions into more complex conditions.

    The full list includes:

    ( -- Start grouping

    ) -- End grouping

    || -- Logical 'OR'

    && -- Logical 'AND'

    Mathematical operators



    The mathematical operators can be used to combine numeric values and produce a calculated value.

    Only values from single-valued attributes are supported.

    The full list includes:

    + -- Additional

    -  -- Subtraction

    * -- Multiplication

    contains   The ‘contains’ method can be used to check if a value (numeric or textual) includes another value. Multivalued and single-valued attributes are supported.
    notContains   The ‘notContains’ method can be used to check if a value (numeric or textual) does not include another value. Multi-valued and single-valued attributes are supported.
    isEmpty   The ‘isEmpty’ method can be used to check if an attribute has no values Multi-valued and single-valued attributes are supported.
    isNotEmpty   The ‘isNotEmpty’ method can be used to check if an attribute has values. Multi-valued and single-valued attributes are supported.

    To further illustrate how product data validations can be applied to ensure data supplied in PDX meets the configured requirements, listed below are a series of product data validation examples covering a variety of use cases:

    • PMDM.AT.CountryOfOrigin:==:'BS':&&:PMDM.AT.BrandName:==:null:error:If Country of Origin is equal to BAHAMAS, then Brand Name is required

      • In this example, 'BS' is the ValueID of the value ‘BAHAMAS’ in the list of values (LOV) for the ‘Country of Origin’ attribute.

    • (:PERCENTAGE_1:+: PERCENTAGE_2:+: PERCENTAGE_3):>:100:error:The total value of Percentage 1, Percentage 2 and Percentage 3 cannot be more than 100:ruleid:100 Percentage rule

    • SHOELACE_MATERIAL:==:'NOT_APPLICABLE':&&:(:ACCESSORIES_MULTY:contains:LACES:||:ACCESSORIES_ MULTY:contains:SHOELACE:):error:‘Not Applicable’ is NOT an acceptable value for Shoelace Material when Lace is selected for attribute Accessories List.

    • ALL_FEATURES_MULTI:contains:'ADDITIONAL_BURNERS':&&:isEmpty:ADDITIONAL_BURNER_TYPE:error:The Additional Burner Type is required when All Features contains Additional Burners

    • POWERED_MULTI:notContains:”BATTERY_POWERED”:&&:isNotEmpty:BATTERY_TYPE_MULTY:error:The list of Battery types must be empty, when product is not powered by batteries

    When writing product data validations, it is important to note the following considerations and limitations:

    • Comparisons, such as ‘==’ and ‘contains‘ are case-sensitive.

    • The method ‘isEmpty’ can be either prepended or appended to the relevant [text] for the same result. This also applies to the function ‘isNotEmpty’. For example, the notation ‘isEmpty:ADDITIONAL_BURNER_TYPE:' and ‘:ADDITIONAL_BURNER_TYPE:isEmpty’ can be used interchangeably.

    • The ‘Validation Engine’ does not support product data validations that validate data containers or data container attributes.

    • Most operations and comparisons do not support attributes with units.

    • Product data validations can only be added and / or defined on attribute links to specification attribute.

    • Product data validations cannot be written to include assets.

    • When writing product data validations, it is important to note that the colon character (‘:’) is a reserved character and should be used only to separate elements in the product data validation. If the character is used in an attribute ID or in an error message, for instance, this may cause the product data validation to error.

    Using expressions correctly

    As mentioned previously, the ‘PDX: Validation Engine’ attribute uses the ‘Regular Expression’ validation base type. Regular expressions prevent product data validation writers from committing the most frequent notational errors when writing product data validations, but cannot address certain kinds of human error, like misspelled attribute names, for instance.

    Listed in the table below are rules that must be followed:


    Invalid examples

    Valid examples

    “:error:” must be present and have non-empty message ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B:error: ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B:error:A should be greater than B
    At least one truth valued operator must be present (i.e. + or - is not enough) and attribute names must be separated by operators or parentheses

    ATTRIB_A:error:Some message

    (:ATTRIB_A:ATTRIB_B:):error:Some message

    (:ATTRIB_A:+:ATTRIB_B:):error:Some message

    (:ATTRIB_A:+:ATTRIB_B:==:1):error:Some message

    “(“ is matched by “)”

    (ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B:error:Some message

    (ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B):error:Some message
    if “:ruleid:” is present, then it has non-empty content ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B:error:Some message:ruleid:

    ATTRIB_A:<=:ATTRIB_B:error:Some message:ruleid:Rule 1

    :ruleid can only contain alphanumeric characters and -_#:

    width:*:height:>:1000:error:too large:ruleid:Unsanitized$ID

    width:*:height:>:1000:error:too large:ruleid:Unsanitized_ID

    If the regular expression is implemented, some of the rules above will be caught by the regular expression check when changes are saved.