Resource Materials
Some functionality can be used in various places throughout STEP, as described in the links below:
Email from STEP configuration allows you to deliver data, error reports, and messages via a standard mail server or a mail server with TLS (Transport Layer Security) here.
Common Use Cases explains how to configure components to work together to manage your data here.
Function Editor provides an interface to insert STEP functions when writing functions manually, or when creating complex functions using predefined template(s) here.
Functional Testing provides a guide to testing your own STEP development and validating new STEP versions here.
In-Memory Database Component for STEP loads all vital data into the application server RAM on start-up, greatly reducing expensive disk reads and network latency here.
JavaScript in STEP explains how JavaScript and the Scripting API allow you to create complex functions in STEP here.
Regular Expression provides a way for users to describe patterns that can be matched by text here.
STEP Functions provide access to STEP data and can be combined with static text and comments to display a generated result as a value here.
Transformation Lookup Tables are a type of asset in STEP where a defined set of From-To text mappings allows the 'from' text to be replaced with the 'to' text here.
Transformations define the ways data can be modified upon import or export, or within STEP when viewing a value here.