Miscellaneous Bugfixes
A number of bugfixes have been applied as part of this release. Separate notes are generated for each maintenance patch. Refer to the entire set of 2023.3 (11.3) release and maintenance patch notes prior to installing or upgrading.
Fix for problems with Translation Status search (on In-Memory systems)
Customers were reporting issues with the Translation Status search option, specifically the translation status for attributes and LOVs. The search returned wrong results and was broken. This has been fixed and backported to STEP-10.3 and 11.0.
Fix for ECLASS Advanced: Import encountered node data error after node children while using business rules
Fixed the ECLASS Advanced Preprocessor to correctly create STEPXML files when a product contains child products and values. This will prevent the error in the importer which occurs when it tries to import the file using Inbound Integration Endpoint with processing business rules attached.
Fix for Elasticsearch error with STEP 11.2-MP1
Now, a removed property (Elasticsearch.FeatureToggle.SupplierPrivileges) will not be mentioned in the warning message about a missing supplier setup for Elasticsearch. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.2 and elasticsearch-integration-7.0.29.
Fix for / change to Dun & Bradstreet process
Introduced a possibility to disable deletion of unused DnB candidates to avoid optimistic locking during the simultaneous DnB event processors execution. Contact Stibo Systems Support to enable this functionality.
Fix for data errors occurring during SaaS migration
Customers should note that when using the Cassandra database, do not delete the latest transition log entry for a given workflow and node, even if it is older than the configured retention time.
Fix for HAProxy not starting
The user was no longer present on the system. Now, the primary group of a user that started the loadbalancer frontend will be used instead of the hardcoded user group when creating the stats socket in HAProxy.
Fix for when asynchronous translation to Lionbridge is not working after upgrading to 11.2-MP2
Added proxy support to the tus client. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to lionbridge-7.0.20 and saas-11.2.
Fix for PDX: attribute type is not setting as composite for the newly published reference attribute
When products are sent from STEP to PDX, composite attributes for asset references were not sent to PDX if the asset reference was dimension dependent. The references did not have a value in the default context defined in the configuration of the Outbound Integration Endpoint delivery, and the reference had a value in one of the other contexts exported by the Outbound Integration Endpoint. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-506586 - Fix for STEP InDesign plugin - after Database Update applied paragraph style is not correct
Fixed a problem with the InDesign client plugin. Previously, after a Database Update was applied, the paragraph style was lost when using a STEPCOND tag.
ISSUE-568480 - Fix for export current view not exporting 'Title Header' when using a custom label
Now, it is possible to export a title header from the Web UI Node List via the 'Export Current View' toolbar action if the header has a customized label.
ISSUE-580302 - Fix for Delete Reference showing in Web UI for References Properties
Fixed a problem occurring when Delete Reference action was available for a user without the privilege to delete the reference on a Web UI Node Editor's References component.
ISSUE-614734 - Fix for an error that occurred during updates to overridden products
When assigning an overridden product to a product override, STEP would reuse that relation if applicable. However, if the past overridden-product relation has been approved and then deleted, STEP would try to reuse the wrong past relation, which prevented assigning the overridden product, and gave an internal error 'Cannot subtract: Main.' This has now been fixed so that reuse is not implemented in cases where the relation cannot easily be found.
ISSUE-615780 - Fix for when upgrade (11.0-MP4) makes the system behave incorrectly for special character combinations
Introduced a possibility to disable tag escaping in Attribute Validated Parameters for Run Business Action dialog. To use this possibility, contact Stibo Systems Support. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.0 and 11.2, step-11.0-mp4 / mp5, and step-11.2-mp1 / mp2.
ISSUE-619495 - Fix for a matching algorithm not creating a confirmed non-duplicate reference after a clerical reject of products
Changes made for 11.0 and potential duplicate relation include: removed confirmed non-duplicates of a workflow compatible node before processing by task updaters; and remove duplicates with existing potential duplicate relation to avoid creating a PDR task without duplicates. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.0 and step-11.0-mp4 / mp5.
ISSUE-623750 - Fix for issues deleting old Primary Product Hierarchy (PPH) objects
Introduced a possibility to skip counting the children when purging the node from recycle bin in workbench. To toggle this property, contact Stibo Systems Support. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.2 and step-11.2-mp1 / mp2.
ISSUE-624180 - Fix for when logs are full with SecurityFilter Token expired warnings
Changed a log level from 'WARNING' to 'FINE' for 'Token not present / expired' messages for an invalidated workbench session being open in application server logs.
ISSUE-626274 - Fix for when the proof view action is not working
Modified the code to send a dummy request between client and server to keep the connection alive while InDesign Render is producing the proof or PDF. Also, added a timeout property set to 15 minutes. If no result is delivered in that time period, the requests are stopped. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-10.3, as well as step-10.3-mp4 and 10.3-mp5.
ISSUE-626629 - Fix for exception handling not executing correctly for an 11.1 system upgrade
When GraphicsMagick failed to parse an image, it would throw a runtime exception that could not be caught in a business rule. The system will now throw an ImageParserException that can be caught.
ISSUE-628610 - Fix for special tags in the UI not showing as expected
Now, the tags formatting will be correctly displayed for the Web UI Node Editor Attribute Value component configured to display an LOV attribute with a checkbox or radio button override control type. There is a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-10.3-mp4 / mp5 and saas-10.3.
ISSUE-628801 - Fix for when multi-context exports multiple values for a reference
STEP exporter improvement for non-stepXML formats: inherited depth, context, and qualifiers are considered on reference while applying mapping rules. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1 as well as step-11.1-mp3, step-11.1-mp4, step-11.1-mp5, and step-11.1-mp6.
ISSUE-630488 - Fix for when PIM is not able to save a new LOV value in an attribute
Fixed a problem when LOV values with lesser than / greater than tags were not displayed correctly on the Web UI Node Editor in an attribute value / value group component with the dropdown option. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1 and step-11.1-mp4 through mp6.
ISSUE-632876 - Fix for when a user can not change an object type of an asset in STEP quality and production system
There was an issue where the user could not change an object type of an asset in a customer's STEP quality and production system. This has been fixed, and deletion of a staging workspace is allowed.
ISSUE-633081 - Fix for missing thumbnails for proprietary assets and style guides
Now, the default thumbnail icons will be shown again under the thumbnail header for products / classifications / entities on the Web UI Node List.
ISSUE-634073 - Fix for opening an attribute in the workbench leading to a stack trace
Attributes there were migrated to STEP 11.2 from an older STEP release could not be opened in the workbench if they had a language + country dimension. This has now been fixed.
ISSUE-635410 - Fix for NullPointerException when importing STEPXML with MergedGoldenRecordComponent
Fixed a bug that prevented the null pointer from getting component model elements. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.2 and step-11.2-mp1. The fix was also included in step-11.2-mp2.
ISSUE-636470 - Fix for when the submit button is greyed out after unchecking 'Lazy' functionality on the 'Main Information' tab
Fixed a problem when a mandatory value group component hidden under the 'Grouping Option' component caused the buttons of the Web UI Node Editor screen to be grayed out if it did not have a mandatory value populated.
ISSUE-637723 - Fix for delete references tags not being exported by database exporter
The DeleteClassificationCrossReference tag will now be added in the exported STEPXML when using the database exporter.
ISSUE-637785 - Fix for when external users are not able to reset their password
Fixed a problem with the concurrent generation of JWT signing key on a clustered setup. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1 / 11.2, step-11.1-mp1 through mp6, step-11.2, and step-11.2-mp1 / mp2.
ISSUE-638892 - Fix for severe data error after database refresh
Attributes there were migrated to STEP 11.2 from an older STEP release could not be opened in the workbench if they had a language + country dimension. This has now been fixed.
ISSUE-640822 - Fix for a PMDM upgrade paste issue in workbench
The copy paste functionality for multiple values was not working. This has been fixed. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1 and step-11.1-mp3 through mp6.
ISSUE-641017 - Fix for when the STEPXML LOV import skips 'replace' when XML contains an empty value
You can now import LOV values that are empty for LOVs with value IDs. If the value is the only one across all contexts, the LOV value will be fully deleted. If it has a value in other contexts, it will inherit it from those or just not have a value. Or, if you import a LOV value that is empty and it does not already exist, nothing will happen.
ISSUE-641160 - Fix for local directory enumeration test findings
Fixed directory traversal vulnerability in Logo Widget component request to server, which was allowed to traverse from the custom theme folder on a server.
ISSUE-641363 - Fix for outbound integration endpoints post processor issue
Fixed a problem when OIEP post processors were not invoked when processing a split event batch after receiving a delivery exception. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1 and step-11.1-mp4 through mp6.
ISSUE-641616 - Fix for products added under classification not showing up sometimes
Fixed problem occurring when a selected item on a Tree Navigator on a Global Navigation Panel in Web UI did not have an expand indicator even though it does have the children underneath, after performing a search on a Global Navigation Panel. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1, step-11.2-mp4 through mp6, and step-11.2-mp2.
ISSUE-641906 - Fix for improved healthcheck safety
A stability fix was made for these two healthchecks: 'Duplicated History Entries' and 'Value missing content.' There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-11.2-mp2.
ISSUE-642268 - Fix for when image previews were not working after an upgrade to 11.2
Fixed a problem when assets with conversion info set as image conversion configuration were not displayed on the Web UI Node Editor's referenced asset representation component. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to step-11.2-mp2.
ISSUE-642721 - Fix for Classification Product Links showing column name when blank
Fixed a problem occurring when the Classification Product Links component on a Web UI Node Editor screen was showing the configured table headers, when it was set up as a ReadOnly and the selected item did not have any Classification Product Links to be shown. Now it will show None, just like a References Component with the same setup.
ISSUE-643069 - Fix for an unhandled exception when accessing completeness score with max value
Fixed a problem when the completeness score component with a max score for subscores was not loading on the Web UI Node Editor in a non-English locale, causing an unexpected exception to appear. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.2, step-11.2, and step-11.2-mp1 / mp2.
ISSUE-643098 - Fix for when an export product in the Web UI is not working if the data container is included in export configuration
When an export configuration contains mapping for nested objects, sorting rows will be skipped in the XLS output. This will be consistent with export behavior when triggered from the workbench.
ISSUE-646214 - Fix for when no unique key is visible in the dropdown of the Advanced Search option: 'Search from list'
A problem with the select type ID options dropdown coming up empty in Search From List in the Web UI Advanced Search has been fixed. There is also a hotfix available for this solution that is applicable to saas-11.1 and step-11.1-mp2 through mp6.
ISSUE-646872 - Fix for SaaS - 'Swap User' not working work on IIEP
Fixed a problem where the Swap User functionality from the File Loading Widget in Web UI did not work for business rules called during the IIEP execution, which were retrieving the current user from manager bind.
Note: Customers may want to search the Support Portal for their Issue Numbers (if shown). To do so, while in the Support Portal, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and then select 'Search for Issues.' Click on the 'Advanced' option on the filtering bar, and then type in 'issue=' and the issue number. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users can only view Support Portal issues for issue numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a 'No issues were found to match your search' message displays.