Enhancement Requests
Customer satisfaction is top priority for Stibo Systems. When customers make software enhancement requests, Stibo Systems works diligently to meet their business needs. Many of the changes available in 10.2 are implemented as solutions to these requests.
The list below highlights some of the enhancement requests that were completed in 10.2 but is not a comprehensive list. Additional customer-requested enhancements not listed below were completed as part of previously planned roadmap-driven projects.
Solutions are listed below and include a cross-reference to a detailed release note where feature benefits are outlined.
It is possible to export and import Workflow Profiles and Asset Push Event Queues using STEPXML. This functionality was introduced with 10.1-MP3. Refer to the 10.1-MP3 Maintenance Patch Notes in the online help documentation here.
Proxy and authentication improvements include support for token-based authentication for gateway integration endpoints and the REST Direct outbound integration endpoint delivery plugin, as well as mTLS support for outbound HTTP traffic. For more information, refer to the Data Exchange Enhancements and Changes release note here.
Added to Scripting and Extension API methods to retrieve WorkflowLogEntries, methods to tell if a reference or classification product link is dimension-inherited, and methods to add or remove a suppression for a given qualifier. For more information, refer to the API Enhancements and Updates release note here.
Unless indicated, the following Web UI changes are described further in the Web UI Enhancements and Changes release note here.
The text box and rich text editor on a Node Editor, as well as the inline editor and multi-value text attribute on a Node List, now have a text editor remaining count display.
Asset curators are now able to view the classifications that the asset is linked to and manage these classifications through the new Asset Groups component.
The image default size for the Thumbnail Header and the Target Thumbnail Column now fill the entire table cell according to image ratios, and the image popup is larger.
When configuring actions such as Create Asset, Create Classification, Create Entity, or Create Product, an admin user is now able to restrict the object types that appear when the action is selected.
The Custom Export Action for Node Lists has been enhanced to allow users to include a referenced object's name in the custom export file.
The display of Run Business Action buttons installed on Node Editor screens is now fully configurable.
Users can now apply a business rule to incoming products via the Mass Creation screen.
A new toolbar action (Export Current View Action) for Node Lists has been introduced. This feature previously existed within the Custom Export Action component, available as a toolbar action and on the Search Screen basket component, but was removed to be a standalone component.
Admin users can now restrict which contexts and workspaces Web UI users have access to via the Global Navigation Panel.
For more information on the projects below, refer to the General Enhancements and Changes release note here.
The type of environment, such as Development, QA, Production, etc., is identified by the 'System.Display.Type' configuration property. This environment designated by this property now displays in new areas of Web UI and workbench once entered into the sharedconfig.properties file. Also enhanced is the configuration property 'System.Name,' which is used to display the unique name of the system. Previously, it only displayed on the Start Page, but now it also displays on the workbench title bar.
Support for Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication has been added for or the Kafka receiver and delivery plugins introduced with STEP 10.1.