Validating the Configuration

Before enabling the configured PDX OIEP, it might be worth validating the configuration and settings required for the integration to be successful. Consider the topics below.

STEP Application Properties

The should contain

  • Mandatory properties

  • The declaration of the STEP attribute controlling the PDX composite attribute naming

  • The setting to exclude the transfer of DAM-hosted binaries


# PDX Settings

OIEP Advanced STEPXML Template

The Advanced STEPXML Template of the PDX OIEP should contain the

  • Mandatory tags

  • Embedded reference targets for nested data structures

  • References to relevant assets

  • References forming the packaging hierarchy


<STEP-ProductInformation ResolveInlineRefs="true" FollowOverrideSubProducts="true">
  <ContextList ExportSize="Minimum"/>
  <CrossReferenceTypes ExportSize="Minimum"/>
  <UnitList ExportSize="Minimum"/>
  <AttributeList ExportSize="Minimum"/>
  <Products ExportSize="Minimum" FlattenHierarchy="false">
      <ProductCrossReference Type="Product_NI" ExportSize="Minimum">
        <Product Referenced="True" Embedded="True">
          <ProductCrossReference Type="NI_ND" ExportSize="Minimum">
            <Product Referenced="True" Embedded="True">
      <ProductCrossReference Type="Pallet_to_Child"/>
      <ProductCrossReference Type="InnerPack_to_Child"/>
      <ProductCrossReference Type="Case_to_Child"/>
      <AssetCrossReference Type="ProductImage"/>
  <Assets ExportSize="Referenced"/>

The Preamble

In order for PDX to correctly interpret and parse the inbound STEPXML, STEP needs to enrich the OIEP-generated payload with critical information about the data model implemented. This enrichment is referred to as the 'preamble' and is stored in a separate file in the BGP folder.

The content of the preamble is a mix of data model and component configurations, as well as server-side settings.


  <PackagingTypes QuantityAttribute="Quantity">
    <ReferenceType ID="Pallet_to_Child"/>
    <ReferenceType ID="Case_to_Child"/>
    <ReferenceType ID="InnerPack_to_Child"/>
    <UserType ID="PA"/>
    <UserType ID="CA"/>
    <UserType ID="EA"/>
  <PDSDelivery.AssetUploadedAttributeID>PDS Syndication Time</PDSDelivery.AssetUploadedAttributeID>
  <PDS_Status_Attribute_Group>PDS Status Attribute Group</PDS_Status_Attribute_Group>

Important: It is recommended to review the preamble of initial exports to PDX to ensure that all elements are present / populated, as missing declarations often results in incomplete data transfers.