Context Locales
A locale is a part of a context. Locales control the display for users in the workbench, as well as Web UI buttons, tabs, and so forth.
Note: Locale settings on the workbench should not be confused with Web UI locale. The Web UI locale allows users to select a locale when logging in and, if there is a localized version of a Web UI, the localized screens are displays. For more information on Web UI locale, refer to the Localization topic in the Administration Portal documentation here.
Locales control the decimal separator in attributes that are numbers, fractions, and embedded numbers. Additionally, locales control the appearance of dates. Attributes with the validation of Numeric Text and Numeric Text (exclude tags) are really text attributes and cannot be accommodated with the locale functionality.
Locales can be set on individual users in the 'Locale for values' field on the System Settings tab, located under System Setup > Users & Groups. Setting a locale for a user controls how the user accesses data in the workbench, regardless of what context they are working in.
For more information on using locale with users in System Setup > System Settings, refer to the GUI Localization topic in the System Setup documentation here.
Locales are also used in attribute transformations, STEP table transformations, and in Print Publisher.
Locale Do's
Although the locale can be left blank, it is recommended is to set the locale for the country in each context.