Design Specification

A design specification represents the entire project and is a high-level place to gather input for new products. A design specification could represent multiple products. For food, it could represent multiple packages sizes, flavors, and language(s) on the final product label. For detailed specifications, variants are created for each option and specified under the design specification.

Projects are organized in a one-level hierarchy.

For a project, some attributes that might be included are the following:

Project Information

Product Variations


Project Name

Product Name



Project Type

Product Category

For Sale in Countries

Label Country / Languages

Planned Flavor Variations

Planned Packaging Sizes

New Branding Required?

Need By Date

Sourcing Strategy

Design Specification Critical

Design Specification Type

Project Justification

Project Start Date

Key Product Claims / Benefits

Marketing Messaging

Target Market Segment

Are product variations composite?

Item Cost Estimate (Range)

Planned Gross Margin (%)

Planned Quantity

Planned Revenue