10.1-MP1 Maintenance Patch Notes
February 2021
New features
Web UI faceted Search Screen Includes Classifications and Respects Additional STEP Privilege Settings
Before 10.1-MP1, for faceted search, only products linked to classifications could be published to Elasticsearch and displayed in the Web UI Search Screen. Now, both classifications and products (even those that are not linked to classifications), can be published to Elasticsearch.
In the continuing effort to honor STEP user privileges in the Search Screen, the STEP data available to Elasticsearch can now be filtered based on more user group privilege settings via the 'Elasticsearch Permissions and STEP Privileges' option. Previously, only classification privileges were considered. The Elasticsearch Search Screen now respects STEP user privileges applied on action set, object type, and dimension points to display products and classifications. Although attribute group user privileges are not included in this list, attribute group permissions can be applied on the Elasticsearch Configuration 'Data Specification' step, as described below. In the sharedconfig.properties file, set the new 'feature toggle' property Elasticsearch.FeatureToggle.UserGroupPermissions to 'true' to activate the expanded privilege functionality.
As an extension to STEP privileges, turning on the feature toggle property includes the new User Group Permissions column on the Elasticsearch Configuration. The Search Screen uses the STEP User Group Privileges listed above to filter out node data displayed on the Search Screen, while the User Group Permissions setting on the configuration impacts visibility of individual data specifications. This enables an administrator to provide access to relevant information by user groups, including attribute groups, so that users are presented with only the data they need. Including one or more user groups in the configuration allows access to only the selected groups at the data specification level. For backward compatibility, when no user groups are selected on the configuration, the data specification is visible on all Web UI Search Screen users.
For details on STEP privileges and user group permission setup instructions, refer to the Elasticsearch Searchable Data Setup Options topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here, which shows updated functionality introduced with release 10.3-MP4.
All existing Elasticsearch customers patching to MP1 should be aware of the following:
Due to updates in the Elasticsearch schema, Elasticsearch should be reindexed after applying this patch, even if the 'Elasticsearch Permissions and STEP Privileges' functionality is not being implemented immediately. Reindexing enables access to the 'Elasticsearch Permissions and STEP Privileges' functionality (whenever it is implemented via the new property). After patching, but before reindexing, the Search Screen will show only checkboxes, image thumbnails or placeholders, and the number of records in the current Elasticsearch index.
Reindexing can be achieved by either creating a new active Elasticsearch Configuration object (via the Maintain menu 'Duplicate' option or STEPXML export / import) with a new Index Prefix or at least a different Index Prefix (set in the Initial Configuration section). Using a separate Index Prefix allows distinction between the different functionality available with this patch.
Consider the timing of the patch process as reindexing can be lengthy depending on the number of objects on the system. For reindexing instructions, refer to the Elasticsearch Publishing topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here.
New and existing Elasticsearch customers implementing the new 'Elasticsearch Permissions and STEP Privileges' option should be aware of the following:
Update the sharedconfig.properties file to set: Elasticsearch.FeatureToggle.UserGroupPermissions=true
As needed, add user groups to the User Group Permissions column on the Elasticsearch Configuration to limit access to the data specifications in the Search Screen. All users with access to the Search Screen have access to any data specification with no user groups selected in the User Group Permissions column.
A different number of objects may be available in the Search Screen after the patch and reindex since products are no longer required to be linked into a classification. The backward compatibility for the new User Group Permissions column means that products previously excluded from the Search Screen (due to not being linked to a privileged classification) are now included in search results.
For more details, refer to the Elasticsearch Searchable Data Setup Options topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here.
The Search Screen is activated by the Faceted Search User Experience commercial license. Contact your account manager to begin the process of enabling a license or licenses for your system.
Updates to the Search Screen Basket 'Publish' to PDS option
To ensure that only expected users are pushing data to PDS, the Publish function from the Search Screen basket now requires that the user has an email address in STEP and is also a PDS user.
PDS channels are now displayed using nested structures, making it easier to view all available channels and to identify related sub channels. Products can now be published to multiple channels by selecting multiple channels in the wizard. The number of selected channels is displayed at the 'All channels' level.
For more information, refer to the Search Screen Basket topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here.
New cloud storage Asset Publisher Event Processor plugin
The traditional Asset Push functionality for synchronizing potentially converted asset content to a file system requires a running Java process (sidecar) on the target system side, a solution not viable when wanting to publish asset content to Azure Blob Storage / AWS S3. For such setups, 10.1-MP1 introduces a new 'Asset Publisher' event processor plugin that offers many of the same options as the traditional Asset Push functionality and can be configured to publish asset content directly to Azure Blob Storage / S3. The new plugin connects to Azure Blob Storage / S3 via two new gateway integration plugins, 'Amazon S3 Blob Storage' and 'Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.' Additionally, to support this solution, a new Clear Value bulk update plugin that allows for clearing values across all contexts is now available. And, there is a new bind (Current Asset Content Object) to be used in Asset Publisher Image Conversion Conditions to bind asset content to restrict conversion to content meeting the condition, e.g., content with specific MIME types. For more information, refer to the Asset Publisher topic in the Exporting Assets section of the Digital Assets documentation here.
New cloud storage Azure Blob Storage Delivery plugin for OIEPs and Export Manager
The Azure Blob Storage Delivery plugin for outbound integration endpoints and export manager makes it possible to deliver files directly to Azure Blob Storage. Previously, it was not possible to publish directly to blob storage. The Azure Blob Storage Delivery plugin comes with the 'cloudstorage-azure' component that must be installed in addition to the STEP baseline. For more information, refer to the Azure Blob Storage Delivery Method topics in the OIEP Delivery Methods (here) and the Export Manager Delivery Methods (here) sections of the Data Exchange documentation.
ISSUE-391313 - Workbench search results fix
In the workbench, the search tab was incorrectly returning results when the object type criteria was used twice in a row, with an additional criteria used on the second search. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-398277 - Object type dropdown fix
Fixed object type dropdown filtering while retrieving all legal object types to assign in the workbench.
ISSUE-402163 - Fixed privilege issue
Fixed problem that occurred when a user with privileges to modify metadata on Product to Classification links, bound to classification hierarchy and configured for Product Object Type and certain attribute groups, was not able to modify metadata for such links without having the same privilege for the product hierarchy.
ISSUE-404541 - BOM character fix for imports
Now, BOM characters at the start of an imported CSV will be correctly escaped by the STEP importer.
ISSUE-412668 - Fixed an issue with Web UI screen reloads
Fixed an issue that occurred when a user saved changes on a Web UI Node List details screen that was added on a Node Editor and replaced the original selection with the details selection, which caused an undesired behavior when saving something else on parent Node Editor.
ISSUE-414157 - Attribute and Attribute Group name character fix
Now, Attribute and Attribute Group names will properly display less than and greater than characters on the Web UI Node List and Node Editor components in the Attribute Value and Value Group sub-components.
ISSUE-414944 - Business functions in Web UI fix
An issue regarding the way business functions in the Web UI manage the local storage values has been fixed.
ISSUE-415193 - Fixed issue with copying values to Multi Reference screens
Fixed problem occurring when copying an Excel cell value into an Add Reference suggestion field on Multi Reference screens in Web UI caused incorrect search suggestions to be shown, as Excel adds a line break to the search string in this case.
ISSUE-416942 - Admin portal logging added
Logging has been added to the admin portal. Because it is GMT, the logging is displayed in the console of the browser and only when the system is in development mode. Information about the server time format is displayed when the Activity tab of the admin portal is loaded. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-420691 - Notes error fix on planned page
Previously, the Notes on a planned page would show an incorrect error as being already modified by another user in the workbench. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-421457 - Artwork (cover rebranding updates) for SDK Documentation
Cover rebranding has been done for SDK Documentation.
ISSUE-424307 - Removed pre-5.2 STEP version reference type support
Removed the default support of legacy pre-5.2 STEP version reference types, which could cause performance issues when searching for 'null' reference types in business rules.
ISSUE-427021 - Admin portal task progress percentage fix
The admin portal diagnostics screen will no longer show values of over 100% when displaying the task progress.
ISSUE-428616 - Fixed issue with resource loading upon startup
Solved an issue with loading resources even if workbench was already launched. Now, the workbench only loads resources when needed (files were changed or not existing).
ISSUE-428784 - Fix for Alternate Node Appearance not working in Search Tabs of Node Picker
A fix was made so that Alternate Node Appearance indicators will be displayed correctly on the Web UI Multi Reference screen in the Add Reference Action's Search Tab and References component Search Tab during typeahead in search suggestions.
ISSUE-428983 - Multi Reference content loading fix
Now, Multi Reference component content will correctly load when it is placed under the Web UI Node Editor's Value Section when it is initially closed after being opened by the user.
ISSUE-429309 - Node Editor approval error fix
Fixed an issue that occurred during approval on a Web UI Node Editor when a localization was missing for several exceptions.
ISSUE-429810 - Word wrap fix for Node Editor
A word wrap issue has been fixed on the Web UI Node Editor.
ISSUE-430279 - Database exporter fix
Previously, there was an issue in the database exporter that caused asset configurations under classification to not be exported in minimum mode when only the classification was selected. This has been fixed so the asset configurations are exported correctly. Additionally, an issue that affected content in changepackages has been fixed.
ISSUE-430361 - Smartsheet SSO logging added
Additional logging has been introduced to understand server connection issues with Smartsheet SSO.
ISSUE-430412 - Fix for Matching Workspace not being respected
Multi Context Survivorship Rules are now respecting the matching workspace configured in matching algorithm.
ISSUE-431918 - Fix for 'Assigned to me' functionality
Previously, 'Assigned to me' objects were selected but not actually assigning. Now, check marks for the 'Assigned to me' table header on Web UI Task Lists are shown correctly for items that belong to parallel tasks.
ISSUE-431962 - Filtered Task List fix
An exception will no longer be thrown when a user is reassigned on a filtered Task List.
ISSUE-432424 - Unique key / import configuration fix
Fixed problem when mapped Unique Key for Data Container Reference was not correctly written into Import Configuration XML, which is why STEP Import was failing, treating the mapped Unique Key as a target ID.
ISSUE-432697 - New Web UI Show Similar dialog tab
Now, a warning message: 'Temporary Object Type and/or Temporary Parent are not configured for Duplicate Handler. Please verify the configuration in Design Mode.' will be shown in Web UI Show Similar dialog tab for Add Reference action on Multi Reference screens when the corresponding design mode parameters have not been set.
ISSUE-433232 - Problem with spaces in user ID when authenticating via SSO
Previously SSO authentication, such as Keycloak or SAML, disallowed having spaces in the USER ID. Now, it is possible as the authentication request now escapes/unescapes user ID using base64 URL encoding / decoding.
ISSUE-434005 - Fixed problem with incorrectly marked read-only ID Table Header
Fixed problem occurring when using Firefox and accessing a Web UI Node List for Packaging screen. Sometimes it was not showing a clickable link for ID table header.
ISSUE-434011 - Gateway Integration Endpoint URL space encoding fix
The URL created by the rest call made by a Gateway Integration Endpoint encoded spaces incorrectly. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-434180 - Product Summary Card optimistic locking error fix
An optimistic locking error has been fixed for the Web UI Node Editor with Product Summary Card configured.
ISSUE-434257 - Publisher table column fix
Previously, in Print Publisher, when the table is mounted on a page and if the table is split to be mounted in more than one multi-column frame, then the size of the gutter between the two columns in the frames was ignored on all frames except the first one. This has been fixed so that now the options from the source frame are copied to all the frames in the flow.
ISSUE-434427 - Solved issue by removing ability to create references in Approved workspace
Business rules can be run with elevated privileges by checking 'Run as privileged' in the Workbench. In some cases it was possible to make changes directly in the approved workspace. This has been fixed so business rules no longer get higher than intended (internal) privileges.
ISSUE-434693 - In-Memory property fix for workbench
Fixed problem where setting the property UseInMemoryOnOracle.Table.Term to false when using In-Memory made the basket in workbench read only.
ISSUE-434801 - Domain exporter performance fix
A performance fix has been implemented on the domain exporter.
ISSUE-434817 - Incorrectly formatted date solution
Fixed problem when Attributes with Validation base type 'Date' were incorrectly formatted in cases where the Enable Locale Format flag was not set.
ISSUE-434922 - Advanced Search character limit fix
Fixed an issue where the Advanced Search did not return results for LOVs with more than 400 characters.
ISSUE-434946 - Metadata Table Header fix
Fixed problem that happened when ISO Date/Date Time validation-based attributes could not be saved in Metadata Table Header on a Web UI Multi Reference screen, if Enable Locale formatting option was set for this header in Web UI design mode.
ISSUE-435301 - Event Processor progress bar fix
The Event Processor's progress in each of its background processes are now estimated based on a total of the running time (compared to estimated time remaining) rather than being based on the current batch. The Event Processor progress bar in Web UI will now reflect the estimation based on the total running time.
ISSUE-435411 - Packaging Metadata Header component bug fix
Fixed problem in Packaging Metadata Header component on Web UI Packaging screen, which could have caused an optimistic verification exception when a user changed an empty value to non-empty in Web UI.
ISSUE-435575 - Web UI search cache fix
Fixed an issue when outdated Web UI search cache was not deleted after the configured interval.
ISSUE-435911 - Attribute link missing mandatory value message fix
Now, attribute links will be checked before a missing mandatory value message is displayed.
ISSUE-436554 - Paste fix for Add Reference Action
Previously, it was not possible to paste anything a second time into the typeahead field of the Add Reference Action on the Multi Reference component. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-436605 - Data Container date format fix
Fixed an issue that occurred when editing dates on the Web UI Data Container popup editor, where the date format was incorrect after saving.
ISSUE-436738 - NPE fix for Simple Importer Widget
Fixed Null Pointer Exception (NPE) in Simple Importer Widget on Web UI when importing an Excel file with validation errors for non-LOV attributes.
ISSUE-436847 - User Impersonation fix for Keycloak / SSO authentication
Impersonate User functionality now works correctly with Keycloak / SSO authentication.
ISSUE-436876 - CIN matching message fix
Now, more information is provided when a CIN does not match any subscription during a GDSN import.
ISSUE-437109 - Correction made for upload() method reporting success when failing
Now, the Asset Importer Configuration bind for JavaScript Business Rules will correctly set status of Business Rule to Error if it is causing exceptions when invoking the upload() method. Previously, the AssetImporterConfiguration.upload() method was reported as succeeding even when failing.
ISSUE-437674 - Large LOV attribute ID fix
Now, large LOV attributes will no longer show the ID only after saving in the Web UI Node Editor.
ISSUE-437728 - Status Selector Widget alignment fix
The Status Selector Widget alignment was incorrect if status flags are not enabled. This has been corrected.
ISSUE-438348 - Impersonate User Global Navigation Panel fix
Previously, the Impersonate User action on the Global Navigation Panel on a Web UI Node List would sometimes cause an exception to be raised. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-438367 - Stack Panel resizing fix
Fixed an issue where the Node List Toolbar with actions did not resize correctly when using left Stack Panel resizing.
ISSUE-438648 - Task List reload property
Introduced the possibility to reload a Task List when the user toggles the Task List mode in the Status Selector Sidebar Widget. To enable this property, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-438666 - Attribute Group name tag fix for workbench
Now, Attribute Group names in the workbench that contain lt and gt tags will be displayed correctly.
ISSUE-438731 - Attribute value paragraph style tag fix
On the Web UI Node Editor, there was an 'Attribute is edited by another user' error thrown when editing the attribute value with line breaks if there was a paragraph style tag p with <p></p> formatting defined. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-438864 - URL navigate fix
Fixed an issue where the navigate method in the Web UI bind did not call to navigate to the URL in the same window.
ISSUE-438914 - Basket Screen user impersonation fix
Fixed an exception that occurred when impersonating a user on the Basket Screen in Web UI when retrieving, adding or deleting products. Note: accessing and deleting an impersonated user's products on the Basket Screen is not yet supported. Contact Stibo Systems Support to enable a configuration property to avoid the exception.
ISSUE-438918 - Multi Edit Display Mode paste to multiple cells fix
Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when pasting a value from one cell to multiple cells and attempting to save on the Web UI Multi Edit Display Mode component.
ISSUE-438923 - NPE fix identified in internal testing
Fixed a null pointer exception (NPE) occurring in a publication's basket-fetching process.
ISSUE-439013 - Rich Text View ampersand fix
Previously, an optimistic locking exception was raised when attempting to save an attribute that includes an ampersand character in Rich Text Editor on the Web UI Node Editor. This has been fixed so that no error is thrown and the save is successful.
ISSUE-439130 - Fixed logging issue creating instability
Fixed problem occurring when Invalid User Or Password exception has been additionally logged into startup-stderr.log.
ISSUE-439226 - Attribute Value and Attribute Value Group title character length increase
Now, the Web UI Node Editor will show longer (up to 200 characters instead of 96 characters) Attribute Value / Attribute Value Group titles before truncating them.
ISSUE-439359 - Variants List tab details icons fix
On the Variants List tab, the details icons will be shown correctly when resizing row headers.
ISSUE-439501 - Admin portal logfile size fix
In the admin portal, there is now a size limit on the logfiles that can be downloaded. This is to avoid instability caused by handling large files.
ISSUE-439505 - Date fix for Run Business Action parameter
Fixed an issue with date attributes where certain locales saved dates incorrectly in the Run Business Action parameter in Web UI.
ISSUE-439510 - Property Direction design mode parameter fix
Fixed an issue that occurred when the Property Direction design mode parameter for Multi Edit Display Mode suddenly stopped working.
ISSUE-439786 - Execution report performance fix
In Cassandra-based installations, viewing / reading integration endpoints' execution reports simultaneously with high load on the file system could take a prolonged time and stress the file system. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-439861 - Reference fix for data containers in Web UI
Fixed an issue where references could not be added to newly created data containers in Web UI.
ISSUE-439873 - Execution report performance fix
In Cassandra-based installations, viewing / reading integration endpoints' execution reports simultaneously with high load on the file system could take a prolonged time and stress the file system. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-439935 - Fixed issue where Task List items were deselecting
Fixed an issue occurring when scrolling within Multi Edit Display mode in a Web UI Node List caused selected items do be deselected.
ISSUE-440812 - Data container import fix
Corrected the import of data containers with ReplacementRules when defined with keyValues. Now, data containers are not deleted if they are present in the import file.
ISSUE-441283 - Html fix for Multi Reference component
Now, the Web UI Multi Reference component will correctly display html code.
ISSUE-441581 - Correct slowness issue due to high utilization of GraphicsMagick
Performance to download externally stored assets was very slow due to high GraphicsMagick utilization. The customer-specific solution was to port the metadata parsing from using GraphicsMagick into Java code for PNG and JPEG format.
ISSUE-442296 - Upgraded Apache version to 4.5.13
Upgraded org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient version to 4.5.13 to avoid connection issues.
Synchronization fix for GDSN
Fixed a synchronization issue between the GDSN CIN Importer and the GDSN Validation, which was caused by incorrect transaction management in the CIN Importer. Previously, the CIN Importer would commit information about newly created products before they had been fully initialized. That generated an event that triggered GDSN Validation to be executed. If the GDSN Validation started processing the products before the CIN Importer had linked the product to a subscription, the GDSN Validation code would not be able to find the datapool that the product belongs to. This problem has been fixed.
Sequence Value Generator fix
The Sequence Value Generator will now create a new number every time it is called.
Fixed Custom Export issue
Fixed problem when Custom Export from Basket could not be done from the Homepage if there were more than 100 items in basket.
Sequence Value Generator number fix
The Sequence Value Generator now creates a new number each time it is called.
D&B mapper Kodo exception fix
Dun & Bradstreet mapper now completes in the case of a Kodo exception.
Xerces issue fix for SAML
There was an issue with the Xerces library when a user attempted to login using SAML. This has been fixed.
D&B LOV value ID fix
Now, Dun & Bradstreet matching and profiling will create missing D&B LOV value IDs if the IDs are missing in STEP but are present in the D&B response.
Multi-value attribute conversion fix for PDS
Previously, multi-valued attributes were incorrectly converted to JSON for PDS. This has been fixed.
SAML authentication fix
Fixed a downloading loop issue that occurred when authenticating to Web UI or the workbench using SAML.
D&B validation type and mapping fixes
Changed the validation type for 'DnBIndEntityEmployeeFiguresDate' and 'DnBConsolidatedEmployeeFiguresDate' from ISODate to text in STEP to correct a mapping issue with Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Additionally, the 'TerritoryName' mapping has been corrected so that it maps to 'TerritoryOfficialName.'
Performance Enhancements
ISSUE-434131 - Added SPOT option for cleaning cache
The cache maintained by SPOT for files downloaded from the updates server can grow quite large, and on some systems with very little disk space, it is possible to exhaust the free space on the system leading to errors. To mitigate the problem with too small file systems, SPOT now deletes the entire cache if there is less than 5 GB of free disk space when SPOT is started.
A manual option to trigger the cleanup has also been added: --cleancache
This will remove the SPOT cache before using the cache.
Note that the best solution to running out of disk space is to ensure that the file system for STEP is large enough. There are many other things that can cause space to be consumed that cannot be remedied by SPOT.
Documentation Updates
Sufficiency Scores documentation updated and relocated
Documentation pertaining to sufficiency scores has been updated and moved to the Data Governance section of online help here.
Patch Recipe
The 10.1-MP1 baseline patch can be installed with the following recipe:
spot --upgrade=step:10.1
For on-premise systems, refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch (--upgrade=all) in the SPOT Program topic of the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services. For SaaS systems, contact your Stibo Systems account manager.
Note: Customers may want to search Jira for their Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers. To do so, while in Jira, navigate to Issues (in the header bar) and then select ‘Search for Issues.’ Click on the ‘Advanced’ option on the filtering bar, and then type in ‘issue=’ and the Issue number from the Maintenance Patch Notes. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the query. Users will only be able to view Jira tickets for Maintenance Patch Issue Numbers that they have privileges to access. If the issue is not applicable to the user searching, then a ‘No issues were found to match your search’ message will be displayed.