10.0-MP1 Maintenance Patch Notes
July 2020
New features
ISSUE-380247 - Remove components via new method in SPOT
SPOT is now able to remove components by naming the components to remove. For example, to remove a component called 'goner,' add 'rm:goner' to the argument '--apply,' like this:
spot --apply rm:goner
It is possible to apply a recipe along with removing a component, but the parts of the recipe need to be separated with a comma, like this:
spot --apply to:some-thing-else.spr,rm:goner
ISSUE-397473 - New configuration property for default sort order of background processes
A configuration option has been added to control the default sort order for background processes (BGP) linked to integration endpoints in workbench. By default, these background processes are sorted by ascending ID - i.e. the older BGPs are shown first. This property can be changed to sort by descending ID - i.e. the newest BGPs are shown first. The configuration property is BackgroundProcessesSortedByBGPName.AscendingSort.Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
Auto-migration of Stack Panel and Corner Bar components to Global Navigation PanelAuto-migration of Stack Panel and Corner Bar components to Global Navigation Panel
Users are now able to convert their Stack Panel and Corner Bar components to the new Global Navigation Panel with a single button-click. Web UIs listed in the Component Report that contain a Stack Panel component will feature a 'Start Conversion' button like the one pictured below.
Clicking the Start Conversion button starts an automatic process through which compatible components configured on a Stack Panel and Corner Bar are automatically migrated to a new Global Navigation Panel component. It is important to note that while the button is available on 10.0 systems, those customers taking 10.0-MP1 (or higher version) will have the full conversion functionality.
When the migration is complete, a message will display in the Component Report. Any components that cannot be automatically migrated will be listed in this notification message, along with a configuration path describing where the components were configured in the Web UI. Users may easily copy the path so they can paste it into a file to be used as reference when reviewing the configuration in the designer. In the example below, two Status Selector Sidebar Widget components that were configured on a Vertical Panel component cannot be converted and will need to be manually configured as components on the Global Navigation Component.
In addition to Stack Panel and Basket Stack Panel Items, the following Corner Bar components will also automatically be converted to their corresponding components for the Global Navigation Panel: Global Header Search, Corner Bar Search, Corner Bar Simple Search, Corner Bar Links Folder, and the Corner Bar Screen Navigation Action.
In all instances, administrative users are advised to review the converted Global Navigation Panel to confirm proper display. Once confirmed, admin users can safely delete the Stack Panel component, which will remove the 'Start Conversion' button from the Component Report for that Web UI.
The Stack Panel will enter 'Withdrawn' status for the next release, so users intending to upgrade in the near future are urged to make the switch to the Global Navigation Panel prior to the Fall 2020 release to avoid Stack Panel configuration restrictions.
For more information on the Component Report, refer to the Web UI Component Basics topic in the Web User Interfaces documentation here.
New SSH Key and Passphrase options for OIEP SFTP delivery
It is now possible to use a SSH Key and Passphrase when using SFTP as the delivery method via an outbound integration endpoint (OIEP). Both values are optional, and Passphrase is only used when an SSH Key is entered.
These same parameters were introduced in 10.0 for the 'Select Delivery Method' step of the Export Manager, and with this maintenance patch, the Passphrase field has been relocated to display under the SSH Key field. This reordering now matches the order in which the parameters display within the OIEP configuration (shown above).
For more information about exporting via SFTP, refer to the SFTP Delivery Method topic in the OIEP Delivery Methods topic of the Data Exchange documentation here. Also, refer to the SFTP Delivery Method topic in the Export Manager - Select Delivery Method topic of the Data Exchange documentation here.
Added ability to start import and export processes via REST API V2
Import and export operations are now available with REST API V2.
- Export Operation: POST /export/{exportConfigurationId}
Description: Starts an export background process.
- Import Operation: POST /import/{importConfigurationId}
Description: Starts an import background process.
Both import and export processes will run as the user who makes the REST request.
For detailed information about the new functionality, refer to the Export and Import sections of the Swagger and OpenAPI 3.0 documentation available via the STEP API Documentation page on systems with the 'restapiv2' component installed. For on-premise systems, instructions for installing components can be found in the SPOT Program topic in the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For SaaS systems, contact your Stibo Systems account manager.
Information about supported import / export formats can be found in the Data Exchange documentation here.
ISSUE-283650 - Validation warning fix for Multi Edit Display mode
Now, validation warnings will be shown before saving attribute values on the Web UI Multi Edit Display Mode with the 'Use Immediate Save' parameter configured in design mode.
ISSUE-302982 - Decimal value fix for Node Editor and Node List
Now, decimal values for system asset attributes will have only two digits on the Node Editor and Node List components in the Web UI.
ISSUE-333706 - Preformatted row limit warning for Excel Smartsheet template now visible
A warning about exceeding the preformatted row limit was not shown when the user dragged a cell value in a row on the Excel Smartsheet template. The warning is now visible, and hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp5 and step-9.1-mp6.
ISSUE-359990 - 'Zip before upload' export fix
Previously, the Export Images and Documents Wizard ignored the 'Zip before upload' option during an FTP delivery. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-360750 - Shift + Tab key enabled on JavaScript business rule editor
The Shift+Tab key is now allowed on the JavaScript business rule editor in workbench.
ISSUE-368504 - Log level change for non-conforming reference type lookups
Changed log level from WARNING to FINE for non-conforming reference type lookups during STEP export.
ISSUE-371477 - Missing Mandatory warnings no longer hiding
Fixed a problem when old Web UI alerts were cleared out by new alerts, which resulted in hiding the Missing Mandatory warning when the Business Condition warning was being shown during Submit action execution. Hotfixes are available for step-9.2-mp2 and step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-374100 - InDesign table split fix
Previously, splitting a table failed when it was placed in InDesign. The table used a header repeating plugin which had 'Keep with Next' for the first x rows, meaning that at least x+1 rows would be placed in a frame before a split. However, there was not enough space in the frame for more than x rows, which caused a large empty frame on the next page. This has been fixed so that a table no longer splits if there is not enough room. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-374261 - Entity reference type import fix
Previously, the importing of entity reference types setup data could fail with a 'double children' error message if an already existing reference type of a source as child or target as child type was imported again. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-379694 - Log level change for non-conforming reference type lookups
Changed log level from WARNING to FINE for non-conforming reference type lookups during STEP export.
ISSUE-383045 - Typeahead fixes for Web UI
Now, leading wildcards will not be available in the prefix search called from Web UI typeahead suggestion on the Node Editor Attribute Value Component.
Additionally, filtered values will not be returned as a typeahead suggestion for LOV with ID and Typeahead Override Control type, configured on a Web UI Node Editor as an Attribute Value Component.
ISSUE-383353 - Error handling improvement for integration endpoints
Error handling has been improved for integration endpoints.
ISSUE-384261 - Change package fix
A change package can now alter the 'Externally Maintained' setting to 'Yes' on Reference Types, but only if that Reference Type does not have any current or historic revisions. This is because STEP does not know which workspace revisions to preserve.
Note: as a result, the Impact Report may not always reveal all historic revisions.
ISSUE-385786 - Danish translation fix for OK button
Changed the Danish translation of the confirmation dialog 'OK' button that was shown when the user changed a selection in the Web UI Tree Navigator component and there were unsaved changes.
ISSUE-387890 - Inherited symbol for 5,000+ values fix
Now, the inherited symbol will be correctly shown for inherited LOV values with more than 5,000 values available on the Web UI Node Editor.
ISSUE-388055 - OIEP ValueTemplate XML element contexts fix
When trying to export calculated attributes using an outbound integration endpoint in the workbench, STEP would export ValueTemplate XML elements for all contexts if some contexts were selected in the outbound integration endpoint configuration. This has been corrected. Now, ValueTemplate XML elements will be exported only for the selected contexts in the outbound integration endpoint configuration.
ISSUE-390118 - Context help placement fix for reference components
Fixed context help placement for Follow Single References and Store Single Referenced Target components. Now, context help placement for these components is following the Node Editor design mode parameter.
ISSUE-390309 - Additional logging for importing unique keys
Additional logging has been added to the thread used in relation to importing unique keys in order to determine root cause. This is because the thread is suspected of failing, which causes the main import thread to fail. A hotfix is available for step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-391263 - Table Header Value Group attribute filter fix
Fixed an issue where invalid attributes were shown under the Table Header Value Group component after filtering items on the Web UI Node List to hide items for which these attributes were valid. A hotfix is available for step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-391454 - IIEP post-processor fix
Now, custom post-processors for inbound integration endpoints (IIEPs) in workbench will not have their parameters cleared out every time the user tries to edit the IIEP configuration.
ISSUE-391581 - Workflow import fix
Previously, when attempting to import workflows, the new definition removed the state that was being used by the old definition, but did not handle the new definition correctly. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-392466 - Error fix for Domains object type
Fixed an error that occurred when the user expanded the 'Object of this type' flipper on the References tab on the Domains object type.
ISSUE-392798 - Custom units now export to Excel Smartsheet
Now, custom units will be correctly exported to Excel Smartsheets when the cross-context option is enabled and the units have a name populated.
ISSUE-392847 - Business condition approval message fix
Fixed a problem when business condition approval messages were not shown in the Web UI during approval via Approve Action on the Node Editor. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-393004 - Successful submit message can now be disabled
It is now possible to disable successful submit messages for Web UI Submit From Grid and Submit actions. To enable this property, contact Stibo Systems Support.
ISSUE-393226 - Bulk operations commit fix
In order to increase efficiency, bulk operations started by Web UI now commit after 100 nodes or every minute, whichever comes first.
ISSUE-393521 - Attribute search fix after refreshing Web UI page
Previously, attribute search on the Advanced Search screen was not correctly restored from the browser URL after refreshing the Web UI page. This also caused ISO Date and Time values to be shown incorrectly. This has been corrected.
ISSUE-393774 - Filtering on Task List
A customer-specific configuration has been implemented for filtering on the Web UI Task List.
ISSUE-393784 - Import from Clipboard fix for Transformation Lookup Table
While using the 'Import from Clipboard' function in the Transformation Lookup Table in workbench, there was an issue that caused the import to show incorrect information. This has been resolved.
ISSUE-393829 - Web UI pie chart legend fix
Fixed a styling issue on Web UI Workflow Profile Live Data Widget pie chart, when the chart legend was overlapping a chart itself.
ISSUE-394410 - PIM Window error fix
Fixed an error that was occurring in the workbench when a user opened a new PIM Window and clicked on a selection in the new window.
ISSUE-394657 - Value fix for Rich Text Editor
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to save values with <lt> and <gt> tags on the Rich Text Editor on the Web UI Node Editor. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-394893 - Draggable Split Panel resizing fix
In Web UI, the Draggable Split Panel was not resizing correctly when configured in design mode. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-395114 - Redirect fix for Node Editor with Details Overlay
Now, users will be redirected back to the Web UI Task List if the last item has been submitted from the selected state on a Web UI Node Editor with Details Overlay. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-395154 - Workbench memory fix
In workbench, an Out of Memory exception was thrown when comparing package content with data when workbench memory size was limited. This has been fixed, and hotfixes are available for step-8.3-mp2 and step-8.3-mp3.
ISSUE-395692 - Import conversion filter fix
Some of the Import conversion filters, like CSV and Excel, did not handle special Unicode characters (from the Supplementary Plane) correctly and just omitted them. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-395858 - Attribute value tag conversion fix
In the Web UI, when editing attribute values that contained tags and the tag conversion was enabled, an incorrect message about modification by other users was shown. This has been fixed so that values containing tags can be edited and saved.
ISSUE-396365 - SFTP now allows for SSHKey or passphrase
Previously, it was not possible to use a SSHKey / passphrase when using SFTP as the delivery method for either export or an OIEP.
This has been fixed by adding two text boxes to the SFTP-delivery user interface for the export and the OIEP. Now, it is possible to key in a SSHKey and a passphrase. Both values are optional. A passphrase is used only when a SSHKey is given. If the SSHKey is present, then it is used; otherwise, the password is used. If the SSHKey is present, then the passphrase is used if it is present.
ISSUE-396878 - Data issue fix after approval
Fixed a problem where data issues were not always cleaned up after a successful approval in Web UI. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-397610 - Smartsheet validation number fix
Fixed the number of validated products in the Smartsheet validation pop-up when the user changes values in a certain range.
ISSUE-397742 - IIEP 'test only' fix
Previously, if the 'test only' import was enabled on the Identity tab of the IIEP configuration, then invoking the endpoint caused it to actually import and it was not rolled back. Now, when 'test only' is enabled, the import will be rolled back. Hotfixes are available for step-8.3-mp2 and step-8.3-mp3.
ISSUE-397777 - Workflow localization error fix
Misconfiguration of locales would cause the invalid locales to be written to the workflow SCXML. This would cause a NullPointerException (NPE) when trying to save the workflow, as the locale could not be found. Now, it is possible to save the workflow even though some localization is incorrect.
ISSUE-397934 - Deleted nodes fix for export
Corrected OIEP event-based handling of deleted nodes which the export-user does not have permission to view.
ISSUE-398344 - IEP configuration exception fix
If an IEP configuration contained a data source referring to object types that no longer existed, a NullPointerException (NPE) was thrown. Now, an error message with details about the object type that cannot be found will be thrown. Additionally, it is possible to set a configuration option in order to ignore the missing object type. A hotfix is available for step-9.0-mp5.
ISSUE-398544 - Workflow Visualization privilege message
If the Web UI user does not have privileges to view Workflow Visualization component, the following message will be shown: 'Workflow has been deleted or this user does not have privileges to view the existing workflow state.'
ISSUE-398572 - Hotfolder hardware configuration fix
For some hotfolder hardware configurations, the detection of whether a file was finished uploading could fail. This resulted in corrupt files that had only been processed halfway when the upload was very slow. This type of corruption could lead to very high memory usage when metadata parsing the file.
This has been improved so that the detection now works, and so that halfway-uploaded corrupted image files will skip the metadata parsing. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp2, step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-398708 - Classification export only selected object
When exporting classifications and selecting 'Export selected object only,' the parent or child objects are no longer exported as well. Only the object(s) selected are exported. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-398902 - Localizable Servlet security fix
A security fix was made to the Localizable Servlet.
ISSUE-399134 - Error message clarity fix for In-Memory errors
Error messages that occur during read-up of In-Memory data now have more information included in them, allowing for better troubleshooting of data inconsistencies that cause the server to fail during start up.
ISSUE-399168 - Translation process fix
Previously, translation processes failed on In-Memory-enabled systems when products considered for translations were deleted at the same time the translation process was being executed. This has been resolved, and a hotfix is available for step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-399665 - LDAP / Kerberos username authentication error fix
When LDAP / Kerberos was used for authentication, several 500 Server Error messages were shown in the Web UI after a period defined by LDAP.Timeout. This was due to an implementation that prevented use of the uppercase version of the username when using KRB / LDAP authentication. This has been fixed so that the STEP application server uses lowercase letters only for the username when doing authentication via LDAP / Kerberos.
ISSUE-399838 - Category profile error fix
Previously, an error was occurring when scheduling a category profile. This has been fixed by changing the method name to follow the current naming convention.
ISSUE-399989 - Node List cells resizing fix
Web UI Node List cells were incorrectly resized if the user zoomed in or out of the Web UI page while editing an attribute value. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-399993 - Filtering entity references in export
A customer-specific configuration has been implemented to change the way entity references are exported when filtering to a specific entity object type. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-400094 - Date Attribute Value component enforce validity fix
On the Date Attribute Value component of the Web UI Node Editor, the save button was not changing an incorrect value to the correct value when the Enforce Validity parameter was enabled. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-400096 - Product Sufficiency Card optimistic locking errors resolved
There was an issue that caused optimistic locking errors to appear when the selected item was saved and approved after certain changes to the Product Sufficiency Card component, which is configured on the Web UI Node Editor. This was because the sufficiency component was generating data containers at the same time the item was saved and approved. This issue has been fixed.
ISSUE-400281 - Background process execution order change
There was an issue with how background processes were prioritized. Previously, the background processes created first would always be started first. However, some background processes were rescheduled or reused over and over, which means the old creation dates would trigger these processes to be executed before other background processes. This was problematic if the background queue was always full, as newer background processes would never begin. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-400409 - Error message clarity fix
Additional information will be displayed about tasks in error messages. Hotfixes are available for step-9.0-mp3, mp4, mp5 and step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-400588 - Recycle Bin error fix
Emptying the Recycle Bin for objects queued for processing by event processors and the outbound integration endpoint sometimes caused temporary consistency errors due to the timing of events. These errors are now ignored, allowing for the endpoints to continue. Hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp5 and step-9.1-mp6.
ISSUE-400629 - Fix to Search Screen configuration that supports incoming and outgoing meta attribute references
When setting up the data specification type for faceted search within the Elasticsearch Configuration wizard 'Data specifications' step, the option 'Link meta attribute' previously did not differentiate between incoming and outgoing references. This would lead to overwriting / missing one of the values. Now, the functionality has been extended to differentiate between incoming (References) and outgoing (Referenced By) references and values for each are saved. Despite this functionality update, it is recommended that users use separate attributes for these types of references for a cleaner setup and display of data. Also, users should make sure they are using the newest version of the elasticsearch-integration and associated components when installing 10.0-MP1.
ISSUE-400754 - Product Variants Matrix hide empty rows fix
Fixed a problem when LOV product variant attributes with units were treated as hidden in Web UI, which caused them to disappear when the user clicked 'Hide empty rows and columns' on the Product Variants Matrix tab. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-400955 - Object creation fix in workbench
Previously, when creating an object in workbench that had an active unique-key, the creation dialog would override values for the object even if the user did not supply values in the creation dialog. This behavior overruled on-creation workflow action created values. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-401077 - Thumbnail image fix for Node List
The thumbnail image has been fixed so that it correctly displays in the popup when clicking on the thumbnail header's image on a Web UI Node List. A hotfix is available for step-9.2-mp3.
ISSUE-401134 - LOV unit fix in Smartsheet
A List Of Values with configured units will now be shown correctly in Excel Smartsheet. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-401352 - STEP Installer fix
Previously, the STEP Installer was failing due to SPOT assuming it was an 'Application Server.' Now, SPOT is handled correctly on machines without a STEP system.
ISSUE-401542 - Token fix for SSO
The STEP token solution used for SSO for workbench had a problem where a file-lock on a special lock file (used for controlling key files) was not released correctly. This was also afflicting systems outside of SSO/LDAPS. This could potentially cause workbench startup issues, especially for systems running CIFS/SMB sharing protocol. This has been resolved. Hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp3 - mp6, step-9.2-mp1 - mp3, step-9.3-mp3, and step-9.3-mp4. It is recommended that all customers using STEP workbench and the versions listed take this hotfix even if they do not use CIFS/SMB.
ISSUE-401705 - Spaces in LOV attributes exported to Smartsheet no longer cause error
Previously, leading or trailing spaces in LOV attributes that were exported to Excel Smartsheet caused an illegal LOV Value exception to appear during online validation and import. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-401711 - Mail.Enable.Classloader.Modification property removed
The system property Mail.Enable.Classloader.Modification has been removed. Now, the try block is always used for managing the context class loader.
ISSUE-401728 - Workflow locale fix
Misconfiguration of locales would cause invalid locales to be written to the workflow SCXML. This would cause a NullPointerException (NPE) when trying to save the workflow definition, as the locale could not be found. Now, it is possible to save the workflow even though some localization is wrong. STEP will ignore the invalid localization.
ISSUE-401948 - Grid view header fix
The name header was not restricted to one line in grid view on a Node List in Web UI. This has been fixed to ensure the text does not wrap.
ISSUE-402024 - NPE fix for Initiate Item screen
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that was thrown on the Web UI Initiate Item screen for Value components with Enable Tag Conversion.
ISSUE-402025 - Move Action fix
Fixed a problem when Move Action on the Web UI Node Editor cleared the selection, which caused Node Details Overlay to work incorrectly.
ISSUE-402037 - Splash screen logo update
The logo on the splash screen that displays when opening workbench has been edited. The updated splash screen will display after installing or re-installing the new version of the workbench launcher.
ISSUE-402045 - E-signature dialog now reloads Web UI screens
Now, the E-signature dialog will reload the Web UI Node List / Task List / Node Editor screen after clicking the cancel button. This will ensure that the data on the screen is up to date and any changes have been saved. Hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp3 - mp6.
ISSUE-402052 - Orphaned Product Values Report fix
The Orphaned Product Values Report no longer throws an error when a product has too many orphans. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-402102 - Trailing spaces fix for STEPSYS user ID
When creating a new STEPSYS user ID, trailing spaces are now trimmed.
ISSUE-402191 - Parameter check fix for SFTP delivery
In workbench, when editing the SFTP delivery in an OIEP, if the user clicked in the user or password parameters, a character had to be filled in before it was possible to click onto another parameter. This has been corrected.
ISSUE-402336 - Gateway Integration Endpoint NPE fix
A NullPointerException (NPE) was thrown when a Gateway Integration Endpoint using REST was triggered and the endpoint had been imported into workbench but did not have a password parameter populated before export. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-402346 - Survivorship rule fix for empty values
Empty values coming from a business action survivorship rule will now correctly merge into the survivor record during Match and Merge matching.
ISSUE-402397 - Multi-value LOV attribute save fix
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to save multi-valued LOV attributes with IDs that were configured on the Node Editor without showing LOV IDs.
ISSUE-402575 - Specification attribute error message fix
When trying to link more specification attributes to a Product node in the workbench, a message that only specification attributes must be selected was displayed. This has been corrected.
ISSUE-402599 - Fix for event-driven exports not respecting user view permissions
If an OIEP export was setup with a user having limited view permissions, those limited permissions were not always respected. It is now possible to change that via a configuration property.
All the usual events on nodes are queued; however, only the events of viewable objects are passed into the OIEP and downstream for processing. This applies to the Output Templates so you will not be able to apply a preprocessor / business rule to event-nodes which the user cannot view.
To use this configuration property setting, verify that all the OIEP-users’ view permissions match what you expect they can view and therefore process. Then, the property can be set to enable this fix in 10.0-mp1.
ISSUE-402685 - Global Primary Navigation homepage fix
When navigating to the Global Primary Navigation homepage link from the Web UI Node Editor with Details Overlay, the Details Overlay did not close. When the user navigated back to the Task List screen, it did not load. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for step-10.0.
ISSUE-403080 - Node Editor attribute resizing fix
Fixed a problem where read-only attributes on the Web UI Node Editor were not resized at full height. A hotfix is available for step-10.0.
ISSUE-403132 - Left Width parameter fix
Restored backward compatibility of the withdrawn parameter Left Width available in the Web UI designer on the Main screen. If the Left Width parameter is already present in configurations, it will be read and used. If it is not present, it will not be possible to configure this parameter.
ISSUE-403256 - Mandatory attribute marking fix for Table Header Value
Previously, mandatory attributes did not have the mandatory marking when shown under the Table Header Value component on the Web UI Node List. They now display correctly.
ISSUE-403291 - NPE fix for custom Smartsheet import
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that occurred during a custom Smartsheet import with replacement rules. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-403383 - Context table fix for locales
Previously, locales were not returned by the server if they were not supported by the JVM server. As a result, the Context table in workbench did not show locale values after reload. This has been resolved, and hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-403432 - Allow Duplicate Values checkbox fix
Fixed an issue where the checkbox 'Allow Duplicate Values' was missing in the multi-value LOV values popup editor in workbench. Additional issues related to the selection and deselection of these values were also fixed. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-403495 - eCatalog exporter fix
Previously, 'All Attributes' was disabled on the eCatalog exporter in the workbench, preventing data containers from being exported. This has been fixed, and hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-403532 - Attribute Value Group component fix
Now, the Attribute Value Group component will be shown as mandatory on the Web UI Node Editor if the Mandatory Group option is enabled in design mode for the Value Group component. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-403551 - Global Header Search fix
Previously, the global configuration was not applied to the data container component when the user navigated to a node via the Global Header Search in Web UI. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-403555 - Search From List fix
Fixed an error that occurred when performing a search that included spaces on the Search From List on the Advanced Search Screen with In-Memory enabled.
ISSUE-403769 - Side panel collapse fix
Fixed an issue where the side panel was not collapsing on Web UI screens when it was supposed to be collapsed by default. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-403771 - Run Business Action with Web UI Bind fix
The Run Business Action with Web UI Bind component will now be enabled on the Web UI Node Editor with an empty selection, should the configured business action be valid for all object types.
This component will remain disabled in the following cases:
- The Empty selection and business action is valid for certain types (not for all).
- The 'Enforce Validity' parameter is checked and the Node Editor contains invalid components.
ISSUE-403889 - 'Push Asset(s)' memory fix
Previously in the workbench, the application server could run out of memory when using the 'Push Asset(s)' action on a classification with many assets. This has been fixed, and a hotfix is available for step-8.3-mp3.
ISSUE-404014 - PIM.xsd changed flag fix for STEPXML
Now, PIM.xsd will allow the Changed flag under the Deleted References / Links tags in STEPXML. Hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp5 and step-9.1-mp6.
ISSUE-404277 - NPE fix for Task List screen
Fixed a NullPointerError (NPE) that occurred while navigating to the Task List screen from the Status Selector widget in Web UI.
ISSUE-404442 - Attribute value context fix
When trying to set the attribute value and change the context at once in the workbench, STEP would store the attribute value in the wrong context. This has been corrected, so now the attribute value will be stored in the proper context. Hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp5 and step-9.1-mp6.
ISSUE-404522 - Smartsheet editable Conditional Attribute cell fix
Fixed a problem where the Conditional Attribute cell on Excel Smartsheet was editable when it should not have been. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
ISSUE-404836 - Event queue BGP logging fix
Logging has been improved for background processes used by event queues.
ISSUE-404872 - NPE fix for Import Manager transform button
Fixed a NullPointerException (NPE) that was thrown instead of the transformation dialog on the Workbench Import Manager when a user clicked the transform button on a mapped data container reference.
ISSUE-405054 - Validation base type fix for Smartsheet import / export
There was an issue where the LOV attribute's validation base type was not being exported during a Smartsheet export. As a result, during a Smartsheet import of LOV attributes with a numeric text validation base type, the import was failing. This has been fixed.
ISSUE-405926 - Remove Reference button privilege check
When a user logged in to the Web UI without the delete reference privilege, the Remove Reference button was still visible and only threw an error once it was clicked. Now, the Remove Reference button will not be visible if the user does not have the privilege to remove references.
ISSUE-406427 - Integration endpoint Error Reporter Processing Plugin fix
There was an issue with the Error Reporter Processing Plugin that is used in integration endpoints to send information about errors in background processes. If the execution report is large, it caused the application server to run out of memory. This has been fixed by limiting the e-mail to a maximum of 10,000 lines.
Browser resizing fixes for Web UI
Certain action button and toolbar action button display issues have been fixed with this maintenance patch:
- When viewing a screen in the Web UI that features standard actions (buttons that run along the bottom of the screen), resizing the web browser no longer removes buttons from display, including the action overflow button. Previously, the overflow button (
) would cease display when the window was shrunk horizontally, restricting access to all configured actions.
- When viewing a Web UI with the Global Navigation Panel collapsed, the toolbar actions and display modes on the Node List could conflict visually when the Global Navigation Panel was expanded. Now, display of the toolbar actions does not create visual conflicts when the panel is expanded.
When trying to import an XML file in an inbound integration endpoint for GDSN in the workbench, STEP would return an error in the Background Process because of invalid content of the file. This has been corrected, so that now a warning will be logged in the Background Process, and the invalid document will be ignored during the import process.
PDS Outbound Integration Endpoint fix
When trying to invoke PDS outbound integration endpoint in the workbench, STEP would add packaging hierarchy references to Reference Type Triggers in Event Triggering Definitions configuration of the PDS outbound integration endpoint. This has been corrected so that now, target object types of the packaging hierarchy references will be added to the Triggering Object Types in the Event Triggering Definitions configuration of the PDS outbound integration endpoint. A hotfix is available for productdatasyndication-integration-7.0.21.
Packaging hierarchy fix for importing XML files
When trying to import XML files in an inbound integration endpoint for GDSN in the workbench, STEP would not remove old packaging hierarchy references for products. This has been corrected. Now, old packaging hierarchy references for products will be removed during the import process.
Metadata attribute for product to asset reference fix
The {{<AssetCrossReference/>}} tag in the Advanced STEPXML export template must contain the {{<MetaData/>}} tag for this data to be exported. If the Advanced STEPXML export template does not include this definition, no additional data will be transmitted to PDS.
Metadata attribute for product to product reference fix
Metadata attributes for product to product references are now sent to PDS if the metadata attribute has values for the product reference. The {{<ProductCrossReference/>}} tag in the Advanced STEPXML export template must contain the {{<MetaData/>}} tag for this data to be exported. If the Advanced STEPXML export template does not include this definition, no additional data will be transmitted to PDS.
Additional logging for memory issues
Additional logging has been introduced to understand which workloads consume the most memory for searches performed on the system with the In-Memory component installed. Hotfixes are available for inmemory-7.0.46, inmemory-7.0.47, and step-9.2-mp3.
Dun & Bradstreet matching error corrections
Fixed a Class Cast exception during Dun & Bradstreet matching, which occurred when the existing entity was not a part of the D&B component model. Additionally, a name validation exception was fixed by trimming leading and trailing spaces in DUNS names before setting the entity name during D&B matching. A hotfix is available for dnb-integration-7.0.19.
Dun & Bradstreet matching screen line break fix
On the Dun & Bradstreet matching screen in Web UI, line breaks are now shown on table cells if the cell is resized to the full size.
JavaScript business rule exception fix
Previously, when a business rule was used as a referenced business rule, the values from user-defined messages in the JavaScript business rule exceptions were not being displayed correctly. This has been fixed, and hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp5 and step-9.1-mp6.
Deletion of unused data no longer performed during Dun & Bradstreet matching
Now, deletion of unused attributes / unlinking unused data containers will not be performed during Dun & Bradstreet matching.
Dun & Bradstreet column width fix
Now, the column width on the Dun & Bradstreet Match screen in Web UI will adjust to the screen size.
Truncated tables fix for InDesign
Fixed a problem where the order of products / classifications was not always consistent, which resulted in truncated tables when mounted in InDesign.
Fixed a problem where the Excel file generated as Microsoft OOXML would result in an empty STEPXML import file when being imported.
Japanese / Chinese character fix
Now, special Japanese / Chinese comma characters will be correctly escaped inside the workbench framework. Workbench will no longer throw exceptions in Japanese / Chinese in the Set Attribute Value Business Rule editor.
SSH library upgraded
The SSH library used by SPOT to manage STEP clusters has been upgraded to the latest released version.
Variant fix
In Web UI, it is now possible to create a new variant on the Variant Matrix screen if the LOV variant attribute has a default unit.
Performance improvements for System Setup
General performance improvements have been implemented for accessing System Setup properties in the In-Memory solution. This has a large impact when importing change packages, which relies heavily on retrieving these properties. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
Match & Merge Web Service exception handling improvements
Exception handling and logging has been improved for Match & Merge Web Service. Now, an error message stating 'Exception occurred during Match & Merge. Please check server logs for more details.' will be shown, and stack trace in logs will not be truncated. Hotfixes are available for step-9.1-mp5 and step-9.1-mp6.
Web UI overlay fix
In the case of Web UI screens that use tables (e.g., Node List), if the configuration is set to use details overlay in multiple levels, a problem could have occurred when the link in an ID or title column would not work as expected. This has been fixed, and hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
Workflow message fix
When a workflow is deleted, a message will now only be shown on Web UI Node Editor if none of the configured workflows for Workflow Visualization component are available.
Attributes with regular expression fix
When using attributes with a regular expression type, an error occurred when trying to save a change to an existing value in the Web UI. This has been fixed so that if the value contains less than or greater than tags, the value will be saved correctly. Hotfixes are available for step-9.3-mp3 and step-9.3-mp4.
Documentation Updates
ISSUE-406233 - Release and Maintenance Patch Notes update
For unsupported platform versions, the release and maintenance patch notes were removed from online help. They are still accessible via the customer portal (Jira) within the Release Information dashboard. 8.2 Automotive maintenance patch notes were also removed and can be provided upon request.
Patch Recipe
The 10.0-MP1 baseline patch can be installed with the following recipe:
spot --upgrade=step:10.0
For on-premise systems, refer to the SPOT Program documentation for more information, including how to use the SPOT --upgrade command to also find compatible components that can be added at the same time as the baseline patch (--upgrade=all) in the SPOT Program topic of the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation. For assistance, contact Stibo Systems Technical Services. For SaaS systems, contact your Stibo Systems account manager.