Publisher (Adobe InDesign Integration)

This documentation section details the Publisher component (also referred to as STEP’n’design) and the associated Print Proof View, Print AutoPage, and Print Flatplanner print publishing components.

Note: Supported versions of Adobe InDesign are CC 2022 (CC17) and CC 2021 (CC16).

Topics in this Guide

The topics covered in this documentation section are:


This documentation section assumes that users have a basic understanding of the MDM platform (STEP) and a working knowledge of InDesign. Instructions on how to use InDesign itself are outside the scope of this documentation, except where required to explain how InDesign's standard functionality interacts with the STEP'n'design plugin. This documentation also assumes an understanding of Asset Pushes. For more information, refer to the Asset Push topic in the Digital Assets documentation here.


To access Publisher functionality, the following licenses must be installed on your system. Contact your account manager or partner manager to begin the process of enabling a license or licenses for your system.

  • STEPPublish
  • STEPPublish.InDesign

To use InDesign server plugins, which are needed to access Print Proof View functionality and the Print AutoPage and Print Flatplanner components, an InDesign server must also be connected to your STEP system and the following licenses installed. For more information on the deployment of an InDesign server, contact your Stibo Systems account manager.

  • STEPPublish.ServerSide
  • STEPPublish.ServerSide.InDesign