BMEcat 2005 for ETIM Data Configuration

When using the BMEcat 2005 format to export ETIM data, the following configuration options and mapping data source are available.

Configuring the Export

Using BMEcat 2005 to export ETIM IXF Format classification data (as defined in the ETIM IXF Format topic here) includes the following instructions:

  • MultiTargetSplitIfRange - This standard General XML instruction allows two FVALUES to be output when an attribute with the Validation Base Type of 'Number Range' is mapped. Instead of exporting 10-15 as a single value, for example, the individual values of '10' and then '15' are exported in separate FVALUE tags.

  • Lang - The 'lang' target appears under the FEATURE > FVALUE target and when used with the 'Language Dimension' aspect, context information is output. The 'Replace X with Y' transformation can be used to provide ETIM-accepted three-character language codes. Use of the 'Validate XML' option on the Select Format step also provides validation of language codes.

Note: If the data being exported does not include context data, remove the 'lang' target from the Generic XML format sample, which removes it from the list of available targets.

Attributes Inherited from Classification

The export data source 'Attributes Inherited from Classification' allows mapping attributes inherited from a classification to a product being exported using the format is BMEcat 2005 or FAB-DIS. For details, refer to the Attributes Inherited from Classification - Data Source Outbound topic in the Data Mapping documentation here.