API Enhancements and Updates
Information applicable to the enhancements / deprecation outlined below is available in the API documentation at [system]/sdk or access the STEP API Documentation from the Start Page.
REST API V2 enhancements
New resource operations are listed below. Additionally, with the 9.2 Release, it became possible for data container objects to have references to other objects. This ability is now also reflected in the REST API V2.
For detailed information about the new functionality, refer to the Swagger and OpenAPI 3.0 documentation available via the STEP API Documentation page on systems with the 'restapiv2' component installed and the STEP.SDK.WebService license enabled. Contact your account manager for license information. Instructions for installing components can be found in the SPOT Program topic in the System Administration Guide found in Downloadable Documentation.
Operation | Description |
GET /workflows | Returns IDs of available workflows |
GET /workflows/{id} | Returns the workflow with the specified ID |
POST /workflows/{id}/instances | Starts a workflow |
GET /background-processes/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId}/content | Returns the background process attachment content |
DELETE /workflows/{id}/instances/{instanceId} Deletes the workflow instance with the specified ID | Deletes the workflow instance with the specified ID |
Workflow Tasks
Operation | Description |
GET /workflow-tasks/{id} | Returns the workflow task with the specified ID |
POST /workflow-tasks/{id}/claim | Claims a specific workflow task |
GET /workflow-tasks/{id}/events | Returns the available events for a task |
POST /workflow-tasks/{id}/release | Releases a task |
POST /workflow-tasks/{id}/trigger-event | Triggers an event for a task |
POST /workflow-tasks/search | Search for / query workflow tasks |
XSD enhancements
The XSDs for the STEPXML format and for the output template format used with the Advanced STEPXML format plugin have been updated to correctly reflect the schemas. The XSDs can be downloaded from the STEP API Documentation page.
For more information, refer to the STEPXML XSD topic in the STEP API documentation.