New GraphQL API


A new public GraphQL API is now available. It allows developers to create tailored applications that integrate with STEP, which opens up more opportunities for both customers and partners.


Starting with 10.0, it is possible to create web applications and mobile apps that integrate with STEP via a new GraphQL API. This API is also what Stibo Systems uses in our new user interface, Instrument, which is currently in ramp-up status.

GraphQL is a query language invented by Facebook that allows client applications to retrieve the data required for a given screen or view with a minimum of client-server interaction. General information about GraphQL can be found at the GraphQL website while STEP-specific information can be found in the API Documentation at [system]/sdk or accessed from the Start Page.

With this release, the API exposes functionality for working with core STEP data objects, workflow tasks, and for executing searches. The STEP-specific GraphQL schema can be inspected via the GraphiQL UI.

The GraphQL is available with the STEP.SDK.WebService license. Contact your account manager or partner manager to begin the process of enabling a license or licenses for your system.