Menu Panel

The left-side menu panel is the area that is used to access various parts of PLM. It can be accessed by clicking on the menu icon,, on the upper left-hand side.

In this menu a user can:

  • Verify what user is signed into PLM. Refer to the Logging In and Out of Stibo Systems' PLM topic in the PLM for Users documentation for more information here.
  • Verify what email is connected to the username. Talk to your administrator if the email is missing or incorrect.
  • Return to the PLM board gallery. Refer to the Creating Storyboards topic in the PLM for Users documentation for more information here.
  • Navigate to the PLM help. Look up information in the PLM documentation for more about PLM.
  • Logout. Refer to the Logging In and Out of Stibo Systems' PLM topic in the PLM for Users documentation for more information here.