Kafka Delivery Method

The Kafka Delivery method enables a STEP platform integrated with Apache Kafka, which is an open-source distributed event-streaming data platform, to utilize a Kafka queue.


  1. Before setting up a Kafka Delivery, read the Considerations for Setting up Kafka Receiver or Delivery (here) topic in this documentation.
  1. Prior to configuration, clicking the Server dropdown parameter displays the required server name. Provide a selection for the dropdown parameter via the sharedconfig.properties file on the STEP application server using the case-sensitive Kafka.Server configuration property. If connecting to a cluster, use a comma-separated list.

    The following example shows two Kafka server configurations where the first server is a cluster:

  2. Prior to configuration, clicking the Topic dropdown parameter displays the available topics. Provide a selection for the dropdown parameter via the sharedconfig.properties file on the STEP application server using the case-sensitive Kafka.Server configuration property. For example:

    Kafka.Topic.1 = sample4

    For multiple Kafka server configurations, add 'Kafka.Server.2,' etc

  3. Prior to configuration, clicking the KeystoreLocation dropdown parameter displays the required property name. Provide a selection for the dropdown parameter via the sharedconfig.properties file on the STEP application server using the case-sensitive Kafka.SSLKeyStoreLocation property. For example:

  4. Prior to configuration, clicking the Truststore Location dropdown parameter displays the required property name. Provide a selection for the dropdown parameter via the sharedconfig.properties file on the STEP application server using the case-sensitive Kafka.SSLTrustStoreLocation property. For example:



The Kafka Delivery option is available when configuring an outbound integration endpoint (OIEP).

On the OIEP select 'Edit Delivery,' and then provide the following information:

  1. For Delivery, choose Kafka Delivery.

  2. For the Server, select the server(s) where the Kafka broker instances used by the endpoint are running.

  3. In Topic, select the topic used by this endpoint.

  4. For Max Events To Read Per Poll, enter the maximum number of events to read out of Kafka per invocation.

    Note: Setting this too high can require allocating additional memory in the system.

  5. In Decompress Message Content, optionally select a decompression option:

    • None - message content will remain compressed.
    • LZ4 - lossless data compression algorithm. Search the web for more information.
  6. In Kafka Message Key Template, enter the desired key template. Viable templates include: ${endpointId}, ${nodeType}, and ${nodeId}.

  7. In Keystore Location, if SSL encryption is required, select an SSL encrypted connection to Kafka. Otherwise, leave this parameter blank.

  8. In Keystore Password, enter the password for keystore if required.

  9. In Keystore PrivateKey Password, enter the password of the private key in the keystore file, if needed.

  10. In Truststore Location, if SSL encryption is required, select an SSL encrypted connection to the Kafka. Otherwise, leave this parameter blank.

  11. In Truststore Password, enter the password for truststore if required.

  12. Click the Next button to continue with the IIEP - Configure Endpoint step (here), or the Finish button to close the wizard.