Audit Message Framework Configuration Properties and Monitoring
Once the Audit Message Framework is activated and installed, several configuration properties must be added to your file on the STEP application server. This topic describes the most common configurations that enable the Audit Message Receiver JDBC Delivery Plugin and the Audit Message Receiver Cassandra Delivery Plugin, both of which ship out-of-the-box with the Audit Message Framework.
Since the AMF solution provides the flexibility for users to create their own plugins, these configuration settings are not required if a different plugin is used. Users may choose to write their own plugins if they want to deliver messages to a location that cannot be written to via JDBC or Cassandra, e.g., directly to the file system, or to a MongoDB database.
Audit Message Receiver JDBC Delivery Plugin Configuration Properties
The following tables lists the configuration properties for the Audit Message Receiver JDBC Delivery Plugin and their descriptions:
Configuration Property | Description |
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.DriverPath |
Full path to JDBC driver jar required to connect to the JDBC database. |
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.DriverClass |
Name of the JDBC driver class required to connect to the JDBC database. |
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.URL |
URL, host name and port number, to allow access to the JDBC database instance. |
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.UserName |
Name of user to use when accessing JDBC database instance. |
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.Password |
Password for user to use when accessing JDBC database instance. |
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.TableName |
Comma-separated list of the names of database tables to insert audit messages into in JDBC database instance. Each table name can be preceded by a topic using the format 'myTopic = myDatabaseTable.' If no topic is specified for the database table, the name of the database table will be used as the topic. For example, a property set to: AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.TableName = MyTopic=MyDBTable1, MyDBTable2
will result in the topics 'MyTopic' and 'MyDBTable2.' Messages sent to a particular topic will be inserted into the corresponding database table. Valid characters for topics and table names are the ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_', and '-'. More information on this configuration and how it is used with topics is provided in the Audit Message Framework JavaScript Binds and Public JavaScript API Methods topic in this guide here. |
Configuration Property Examples
The following is a sample configuration for a MySQL database version 8.0:
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.DriverPath = C:/mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.DriverClass = com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sys
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.UserName = user_name
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.Password = password
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.TableName = Audit=AuditMessagesDBTable
The following is a sample configuration for an ORACLE database version 11g:
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.DriverPath = E:/oracle-jar/ojdbc6.jar
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.DriverClass = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.UserName = user_name
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.Password = password
AuditMessaging.JDBCReceiver.TableName = WorkflowAudit=WorkflowAuditDBTable,AnotherDBTable
Audit Message Receiver Cassandra Delivery Plugin Configuration Properties
The following tables lists the configuration properties for the Audit Message Receiver Cassandra Delivery Plugin and their descriptions:
Configuration Property |
Description |
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.KeySpaceName |
Name of the keyspace namespace used for data replication. |
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.DataCenter |
Name of the data center you are connecting to. This is an optional setting. If not set, the default value of 'datacenter1' will be used. |
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.URL |
URL, host name and port number, to allow access to the Cassandra database instance. |
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.UserName |
Name of user to use when accessing the Cassandra database instance. |
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.Password |
Password for user to use when accessing the Cassandra database instance |
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.TableName |
Comma-separated list of the names of database tables to insert audit messages into in the Cassandra database instance. Each table name can be preceded by a topic using the format 'myTopic = myDatabaseTable.' If no topic is specified for the database table, the name of the database table will be used as the topic. For example, a property set to: AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.TableName = MyTopic=MyDBTable1, MyDBTable2
will result in the topics 'MyTopic' and 'MyDBTable2.' Messages sent to a particular topic will be inserted into the corresponding database table. Valid characters for topics and table names are the ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_', and '-'. More information on this configuration and how it is used with topics is provided in the Audit Message Framework JavaScript Binds and Public JavaScript API Methods topic in this guide here. |
Configuration Property Examples
The following is a sample configuration for a Cassandra database version 3.11.4 running locally:
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.KeySpaceName = test_keyspace
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.URL =
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.UserName = cassandra
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.Password = cassandra
AuditMessaging.CassandraReceiver.TableName = Audit=AuditMessagesDBTable
Audit Messaging Monitoring in STEP System Administration
Two sensors are available in the Admin Portal to help with monitoring of the Audit Messaging Framework. These sensors are located in the Admin Portal on the Monitoring tab under Additional Links > Sensors > Sensors for external monitoring.
The Admin Portal is accessed by clicking the STEP System Administration link on your Start Page. For more information on the Admin Portal, refer to the Administration Portal section of the online help here.