Performance |
Change Log Total Size |
Checks if the change log has grown too large. This can cause Oracle to perform poorly. The maximum number of rows allowed in the table is 100,000,000. |
Yes |
No |
Change Log Entries Per Node |
When modifying certain objects in STEP, a change is written to the change log of the object. You can set event queues in STEP to monitor on these events and via, for example, an integration endpoint, information about the change can be exported. An event is put the queue for each interested event queue. Every time you modify an object that generates an event, STEP tries to limit the number of log entries for that object. If more than 20,000 changes are logged for the object, it attempts to delete the old events. However, the attempt only succeeds if there are no event for the change. If you have more than 20,000 change log entries for an object, determine why the events are not being processed. |
Yes, in most cases |
No |
Check for Common Web UI Configuration Errors |
Checks Web UI for some of the most common configuration errors that can cause performance problems. |
No |
No |
Hard Evicts |
A hard evict is a forced attempt to remove persistent objects from their cache. Hard evicts can happen when a task is holding many persistent objects for a long time without committing the transaction. In such a case, a hard evict may be executed to make room for caching other persistent objects. This can negatively affect performance since the cache of persistent objects may become less effective. A cause of hard evicts could be one or more business rules accessing too many objects. |
No |
Yes |
Leaked changelog rows |
High |
Checks if there are leaked rows in the change log table. If there are many leaked data rows, performance will be negatively affected. |
Yes |
Yes |
Optimistic Lock Recovery |
High |
Reports that optimistic locking errors were detected when flushing to the data store. This indicates that some objects were concurrently modified in another transaction, or a constraint error occurred. This can negatively impact performance. Repeated occurrences of this may cause the transaction to eventually fail. Resolve this by avoiding and/or minimizing concurrent modifications of the same data. |
Yes |
Yes |
Too Many Associated Objects |
High |
When there are too many associated objects, degradation of performance is possible because the amount of data exceeds the threshold for caching the given relation. This could be due to too many children, references, referenced by values, or multi-valued attributes. |
No |
Yes |
Too Many Attributes Linked (Directly Not Via Inheritance) to a Product/Classification |
Medium |
Finds all products / classifications that are directly linked (not inherited) to more than 1,000 valid attributes. More than 1,000 links can cause performance issues when opening the References Editor in workbench. |
No |
Yes |
Too many background processes for an integration endpoint |
High |
Checks if there are too many background processes for an integration endpoint. Too many BGPs for an IEP can degrade performance. Clean-up of old BGP files and folders is required to resolve this issue. |
No |
Yes |
Too Many Manually Sorted Attribute Groups |
Medium |
Checks that no manually sorted attribute group has more than 10,000 children. Only the front revisions are considered and children in all workspaces are counted. |
No |
Yes |
Too Many Manually Sorted Products and Classifications |
Medium |
Checks that no manually sorted attribute group has more than 10,000 children. Only the front revisions are considered and children in all workspaces are counted. |
No |
Yes |
Too Many Qualifier Relations |
Low |
Find all qualifiers that are used in too many pseudo qualifiers. Performance problems can result from having a large number of pseudo qualifiers if a real qualifier is linked to large number of pseudo workspaces because, by default, the application cache only caches 10,000. Refer to the property: Install.DataCache.MaxRelationSize=10000. This plugin cannot remove the duplicates, but another plugin can remove the unused pseudo qualifiers. |
No |
No |
Too many revisions for a node |
High |
Checks if there are too many revisions for an object. More than 10,000 revisions can cause performance issues because the amount of data exceeds the threshold for caching.
No |
Yes |
Too many valid values for list of values |
Medium |
Checks that no list of values has more than 5,000 valid values. Large lists of values (LOVs) makes it difficult to find, search, select, and filter on values. |
No |
No |
Too many values for a node |
Medium |
Checks if there are nodes with too many values, which can cause performance issues. |
No |
Yes |
Too Many Workspace Relations |
Low |
Finds all workspaces are used in too many pseudo workspaces. If, for example, a node is visible in the Main, Approved, and Staging workspaces, a pseudo workspace representing these three workspaces is created. Performance problems can result from having a large number of pseudo workspaces if a real workspace is linked to large number of pseudo workspaces. The application cache, by default, only caches 10,000 pseudo workspaces. Refer to the property: Install.DataCache.MaxRelationSize=10000. While this plugin cannot remove the duplicates, another plugin can remove the unused pseudo workspaces.
No |
No |
Unused Pseudo Qualifiers |
Low |
Finds all pseudo qualifiers that are not used. Performance problems can result from having a large number of pseudo qualifiers if a real qualifier is linked to large number of pseudo qualifiers. The application cache, by default, only caches 10,000. Refer to the property: Install.DataCache.MaxRelationSize=10000. Missing qualifiers are only reported when at least 5,000 unused qualifiers exist. |
Yes |
No |
Unused Pseudo Workspaces |
Low |
Finds all pseudo workspaces that are not used. If, for example, a node is visible in the Main, Approved, and Staging workspaces, a pseudo workspace representing these three workspaces is created. If you create new workspaces, many new pseudo workspaces can display many combinations of data. In this case, the result is a lot of pseudo workspaces, while any of these combinations are not always used. Performance problems result from having a large number of pseudo workspaces if a real workspace is linked to large number of pseudo workspaces. The application cache, by default, only caches 10,000 of these. Refer to the property: Install.DataCache.MaxRelationSize=10000. |
Yes |
No |
Data Error |
The object is named in a deleted context |
Medium |
Searches for objects with name(s) present in a context that has been deleted. This may cause an approval to fail. |
No |
Yes |
Packaging hierarchy loop |
Critical |
Identifies when a circular reference is created in the packaging hierarchy, which can cause performance issues or throw an unhandled exception. This report identifies where the user can correct the data issue, preventing future performance issues.
No |
Yes |
The object has one or more attribute values in a deleted context |
Medium |
Searches for objects with attribute values present in a context that has been deleted. This may cause an approval to fail. |
No |
Yes |
Unrevised values should be revised |
High |
Finds all unrevised attributes that have revised values. This occurs when an attribute is changed and the update to values is interrupted, leaving some values unrevised and other values revised. |
Yes |
Yes |
The object has one or more (lov) attribute values in a deleted context |
Medium |
Searches for objects with LOV attribute values present in a context that has been deleted. This may cause an approval to fail. |
No |
Yes |
The object has one or more dimension dependent attribute values in a deleted context |
Medium |
Searches for objects with dimension dependent attribute values present in a context that has been deleted. This may cause an approval to fail. |
No |
Yes |
Attributes / Products which cannot be approved |
Medium |
These attributes and/or products cannot be approved.
No |
Yes |
Attributes that have both revised and not revised (externally maintained / not externally maintained) |
Medium |
Finds attribute values where the workspaces are not in agreement. For example, attribute values that are visible in all workspaces and are not externally maintained, or attribute values that are not visible in all workspaces and are externally maintained. |
Yes |
Yes |
Revised values should be unrevised |
High |
Finds all revised attributes that have unrevised values. This occurs when an attribute is changed and the update to values is interrupted, leaving some values revised and other values unrevised. |
Yes |
Yes |
Assets Missing a Front Revision |
Medium |
Searches for assets missing a front revision which can cause exports to fail, and the assets to not be viewed in the workbench due to data inconsistencies. |
No |
Yes |
Check LOV Used for Status by BGPs |
High |
Checks for duplicate values in the LOVs used for the status of BGPs. Duplicates can cause locking errors when setting the status of the BGP.
Yes |
Yes |
Classification Missing a Front Revision |
Medium |
Searches for classifications missing a front revision which can cause exports to fail, and the classifications to not be viewed in the workbench due to data inconsistencies. |
No |
Yes |
Node Collections from missing parents |
Medium |
Finds collections that are missing a link to the parent. This issue has been found with temporary collections that are used by BGPs. When the user attempts to delete the BGP, files are out of sync and an error is thrown. |
Yes |
Yes |
Search for duplicated qualifiers |
Critical |
Searches for duplicated qualifiers for modified values used for export and/or publication. If the value inconsistency exists for a long period of time, data can become corrupt. |
No |
Yes |
Background processes incorrectly linked to integration endpoint |
High |
Verifies if BGPs are correctly linked to an integration endpoint. If not correctly linked, this can cause multiple pollers to be started for IEPs which can cause issues. |
Yes |
Yes |
Invalid Previous and Maximum History Revisions |
Medium |
Finds history rows where previous max of new revision row is not equal max revision of previous revision row. On Cassandra systems, this health check identifies data inconsistency issues. Data inconsistency can be caused by JavaScript that catches exceptions but does not rethrow the exception to handle the exception properly, causing partially committed actions writing to the database instead of being rolled back. Contact Stibo Systems Support to fix the data inconsistency. |
No |
Yes |
Invisible deleted products where the deletion cannot be approved |
Medium |
Identifies when there is a mismatch between two internal tables in STEP for history and references / links. If there is a mismatch, approval will fail and a message such as 'Cannot subtract Main from PWSpace...local to 203, pseudo does not contain the workspace.' is displayed. |
No |
Yes |
Products missing a front revision |
Medium |
Searches for products missing a front revision which can cause exports to fail and the products to not be viewed in the workbench due to data inconsistencies. |
No |
Yes |
Cycles in a translation graph |
Medium |
Finds nodes where the translations are caught in an infinite loop, like when the source and target of the translation are the same language. |
Yes |
Yes |
Duplicated edges |
Medium |
Searches for duplicated references / links with identical parents and children in the same context. |
No |
Yes |
Assets without a history entry |
Medium |
Assets cannot be found or viewed in the workbench or in Web UI because there are no visible entries in the history. |
No |
No |
Duplicated contexts, their matching names and workspaces |
Low |
Finds duplicated contexts, including their names / IDs, and workspaces. It can be time-consuming to include the names and workspaces. |
No |
No |
Duplicated contexts |
Low |
Finds duplicated contexts. |
Yes |
No |
Duplicated workspaces |
High |
Finds all pseudo workspaces that are duplicated. If, for example, a node is visible in the Main, Approved, and Staging workspaces, a pseudo workspace representing these three workspaces is created. However, if another pseudo workspace represents the same three workspaces, it is an duplicate. Performance problems can result from having a large number of pseudo workspaces if a real workspace is linked to a large number of pseudo workspaces. The application cache, by default, only caches 10,000. Refer to the property: Install.DataCache.MaxRelationSize=10000. While this plugin cannot remove the duplicates, another plugin can remove the unused pseudo workspaces. |
No |
No |
Duplicated PrivilegeRule Ownership |
Critical |
Finds Privilege Rules that are erroneously shared between multiple User Groups. Inconsistent behavior can result when editing the Privilege Rule and it prevents In-Memory system from starting up.
Yes |
No |
GDSN subscription not linked to a datapool |
High |
Check sif there are subscriptions that are not linked to a datapool. |
No |
No |
GDSN subscription with invalid GPC |
High |
Checks if there are subscriptions with invalid GPC codes. For example, GPC codes for which there is no matching classification in STEP. |
No |
No |
Pollers started by a different user than the one configured in the IEP |
High |
Checks if there are pollers started by a different user than the one configured in the IEP. This can cause new revisions being generated each time the IEP is invoked, which can in turn cause performance problems. |
Yes |
No |
Check sequences |
High |
Identifies when a production database has been incorrectly copied to a Test / QA system, without including Oracle sequences. Other elements like views might also be missing. |
No |
No |
The object is named in a deleted context |
Medium |
Searches for objects with name(s) present in a context that has been deleted. This may cause an approval to fail. |
No |
Yes |
Values have not been marked correctly deleted |
Low |
Finds all nodes / attribute combinations with values that are marked as deleted but that are still visible. |
Yes |
No |
Values with Dual Visibility |
High |
Identifies if some of the duplicates have different values which can lead to unexpected behavior in the workbench or Web UI. The two values are randomly displayed and STEP appears unstable. |
No |
No |
Dual Visibility values with different values |
Low |
Generates a list which can help to decide which values should be deleted / kept. Same as 'Values with Dual Visibility' except only duplicates with different values are listed. This list should be viewed by the customer before deletions. |
No |
No |
Duplicated history entries |
Medium |
Checks if there are duplicated entries in the history table. |
No |
No |
Edges with invalid revisability |
Medium |
Finds link types that are marked as revisable but where unrevised links exist or link types that are marked as unrevised but where revisable links exist. |
Yes |
No |
Softvalues with dual visibility |
Medium |
Searches for duplicated softvalues. |
No |
No |
Packaging hierarchy loop |
Critical |
Identifies a circular reference in the packaging hierarchy which can cause performance issues or throw an unhandled exception. The user can correct the data issue to prevent future performance issues. |
No |
Yes |
The object has one or more attribute values in a deleted context |
Medium |
Searches for objects with attribute values present in a context that has been deleted. This may cause an approval to fail. |
No |
Yes |
Configuration |
Hidden Oracle parameters with non-default values |
Medium |
Lists hidden Oracle parameters with a changed default value. The default value of a hidden parameter should only be changed when recommended by Oracle or Stibo Systems Support. |
No |
No |