Product Data Exchange (PDX) Enhancements

2024.2 Enhanced Features

This update includes functionalities highlighted in the 2024 Updates released this year. Click a topic link for additional details on that functionality.

Composite output conditions enabled

'Composite Output conditions' can now be applied to mappings beyond those between a master data composite and channel composite. Additionally, you can use 'Output conditions' on channel attributes such as assets, strings, dates, and integers if they are mapped to a composite sub-attribute in Master Data.

In the example below, 'Composite output conditions' are available for a channel asset attribute that is mapped to a composite sub-attribute in Master Data.

In the example below, the user is creating a mapping between a channel asset attribute named 'Asset #2' and a Master data composite sub-attribute named 'l1_asset.'

If a user does a mapping to a single valued attribute, it is recommended to set the Index value to 0.

If the definition of 'Output conditions' yields only one match, then the value at Index 0 (the first value) ensures that this single match will be mapped. Index 0 corresponds to the first row in a row selection, and Index 1 corresponds to the second row, and so forth.

If the user sets the Index to 3 and the Output Conditions yield only one match, no asset will be mapped because the one match corresponds to an Index value of 0.

Below is an example of a 'Composite Output condition' in a channel named 'Composites.' The asset attribute ‘Asset # 2’ is mapped to an asset sub-attribute (L1_Asset) in Master data. Since it is mapped to a composite sub-attribute, it could contain multiple assets. The 'Output condition' states that only assets where the sub-attribute 'l1_string' is equal to 'Top' will be mapped to the attribute in the channel.

In this case, only the asset where 'L1_String' is equal to 'Top' will be mapped. As in the example below from Master data, it will then be the asset in row 3 that will be mapped to asset attribute in the channel.

Important: ‘Composite Output Conditions’ can only be used on sub-attributes that are defined at first level in a composite. Sub-attributes that are created on nested composites cannot be used in composite output conditions.

Prefix search enabled

Previously, a user performing a search in Digital assets would have to enter the full name of the asset to obtain a result in the search. Now, the search feature is extended so it is possible to search for assets using a prefix search.

A user will need to enter a minimum of three characters in order to perform the prefix search. The prefix search is only performed on the first word in the name of the file.

Ability to set attributes as searchable

Users with access to ‘Direct Channels’ in Channel Management now have the possibility to set up searchable attributes in a direct channel.

On the General tab and in the section ‘Searchable channel attributes,’ the user can define which attributes should be displayed in the filters where attributes are used.

The below window will open when a user clicks 'Set searchable attributes.' Attributes can be activated when clicked in the left-side window. Attributes displayed on the right side are activated. Order of attributes can also be defined by clicking on the two lines and moving the attribute up or down.

Attributes with a keylock cannot be removed as they are part of a channel's data standard.

The definition and order of the attributes will be shown in the filter ‘Product attributes’ in list view and grid view.

In this first version of ‘Set searchable attributes’ only attributes that are linked to the channels root category can be set. Attributes that only exist in one or more categories will not be available. Attribute types like composites and assets cannot be added to a search filter.

Ability to set grid view as default

A new user preference has been added to 'Your profile' settings. The 'Show grid as default view' setting allows a user to set the grid view as the default view for channels and master data in order to immediately start working in the preferred mode.

New filtering ability for last updated date for products

A new product filter available in list and grid views allows to filter by products updated within a specific date range to more easily find the relevant products to edit / submit.

In channels users can filter by both 'Updated in channel' and 'Updated in Master Data' date ranges, and users can filter by the 'Updated in Master Data' date range in master data.

Ability to skip 'bearer token' in HTTP delivery

Previously, if a user chose 'Send request to get bearer token' in HTTP delivery, the 'Bearer' prefix was automatically added to the token received.

A user can now select 'Skip Bearer prefix in header' with the following description: 'This will allow you to send token in Authorization header without Bearer prefix.' This checkbox is placed below the 'Token name' input field in the Authentication section of an HTTP delivery method configuration.

With this option, a user can input different prefixes and send them together with the token.

Consolidated templates option added

Originally referred to as 'Support All-Products-In-One Template Output in Configured Channels' in the update preview, this new consolidated templates option has been added for spreadsheet templates in Output Configuration of configured channels. This option allows users to submit all products across categories from a Configured Channel into a single output template. The option will not split products into output files by category, meaning receivers won’t have to look through many different spreadsheets when they receive the submission to get all data. This is mutually exclusive to the 'Output category template' option.

Asynchronous download of product data to Excel file

Downloading the data from both Master Data and Channels is now asynchronous, with no limit on the number of products that can be exported. Longer download times for large export files might occur.

When the user starts downloading, the following message will display: 'Your download has started. We will notify you once it is ready.'

Once the product file is ready for download, another notification will display, which will contain the download link:

Changes to Auto-Categorization and Manually-Added Product Behavior

Previously, products manually added to a channel were permanent: the products must be manually removed and then re-added using rules in order to allow rules to remove them again. Now, the behavior allows rules to remove manually added products from a channel:

  • A product manually added to a channel that matches existing rules will be treated as if added by rules when the rules are run.

  • A product manually added to a channel that originally matched the rules will be removed if it no longer matches the rules.

  • A product manually added to a channel that never matched the rules will not be removed, even if there is no current match.

Ultimately, a manually added product first has to match the rules and then not match those rules before the product is removed by rules – otherwise, it will remain in the channel until removed manually.

Variables added to email template

Additional variables are now available in the email templates for Configured Channels. These additional submission variables, which can be added to a configured channel's output configuration, can increase the amount of information available to the receivers.

The following variables have been added to the template:

  • Submission comment

  • Submission date / time

  • Link expiry days

All currently available variables are now also listed in the tooltip message for the email content section:

CSV templates supported

CSV templates are now supported along with Excel templates in the Configured Channels output configuration template library.

New account settings view

A new account settings view is now available for all users under the user icon. Client admin users will have a Profile and account settings view option, and regular users will have a Profile settings viewoption.

If a user clicks on the applicable new settings view, a new sidebar will appear in the tool. Both user levels will have the 'Your profile' option. This option provides settings such as resetting the password (formerly placed under the user icon), preferred language, and user level feature settings.and client admin users will also have an expandable 'Account' option.

Client admin users will also see an expandable menu for Account options.

  1. General: provides general information about the account as well as settings previously available under Configuration -> Feature settings.

  2. Team management: was previously available under the user icon as 'Manage team.'

  3. API keys: provides option to add and delete API keys.

  4. Master data configuration: previously available under Configuration -> Master settings.

Feature toggles cleanup

Some feature toggles have been deprecated and removed. The remaining feature toggles have been divided into Customer controlled and Stibo controlled. Customer controlled settings are available in the 'Your profile' or 'General' settings tabs. Stibo controlled settings are owned and managed by Stibo Systems Professional Services and are moved to a separate administration application.

Customer controlled: settings that can be enabled or disabled by clients

  • User preferences

    • Set on user level

    • Currently include 'Show category dashboard'

  • Client settings

    • Set on client level and should all affect all users of a given client

    • Available only to client admins in Account -> General settings screen

    • Currently include 'Lockdown mode'

Stibo Systems controlled: settings available only to Stibo Systems employees

  • Client settings

    • Set on client level and should all affect all users of a given client

    • Set individually for each customer

    • Include the following

      • Enable product limits

      • Use websockets for fetching import feed

      • Allow retrieving products from channels that allow retrieval

      • Use simple presubmit validation

      • Enable vendor portal

  • Test features

    • Temporary features to be used by testers and/or beta testers

    • Will be set to on by default and removed upon successful testing completion

    • Currently include the following

      • Enable process log

      • Enable new toolbar

The table below provides a list of all previously available feature toggles and their current state:

New grid view

The 'Render Families Separately' flag is now turned on for all users and removed from feature settings. This new view should provide improved performance for viewing families. Now, whenever the channel supports families and there are families to be displayed, the grid will be divided into three tabs:

  • Regular products

  • Family products

  • Variant products

Channel attribute locking

In the grid view in Master data and on channel level, a user can now define which attributes should be locked. Each user can define an individual view for the master data and channels accessible to that user.

In the feature ‘Attribute filters,’ the user can select attributes to lock by performing a search and selecting the specific attribute.

In the example below, the user has chosen ‘Name,’ ‘External product status,’ and ‘Product description’ to be locked.

These three attributes columns are now locked when the user scrolls on the horizontal navigation bar. Attributes on the left side of the gray thin line are the locked ones. The attributes ‘ID’ and ‘Status’ are always shown and cannot be unlocked.

Unpublish products from a digital catalog

It is now possible to unpublish / remove products in a digital catalog. The user of PDX can now select the feature ‘Unpublish’ under the FAB icon. It is only possible to unpublish products from a Digital Catalog.

The icon for ‘Unpublish’ will only be shown in channels where a digital catalog has been created. The ability to ‘Unpublish’ is related to the a user's permissions. A user must have the permission ‘Submit to channel’ in order to unpublish products.

It is only possible to unpublish products that have status ‘Submitted’ or ‘Accepted.’ When a product has been unpublished, it will change status back to ‘Ready’ or ‘In-Progress,’ depending on the state of the product.

Unpublishing products on a global level in a channel

To unpublish products from a digital catalog, the user must first select which products should be removed. When a user unpublishes products on a global level in a channel, the user will be shown all the digital catalogs that exist in that channel. In the example below, the channel contains three digital catalogs. A user can select to unpublish products from some or all digital catalogs in the channel.

When user has selected the products and then selects ‘Unpublish,’ the below screen will appear. In the example below, the user has selected to unpublish products only from the digital catalog ‘My Digital Catalog.’

Unpublishing products on a receiver level in a channel

If user wants to unpublish products on ‘Receivers’ level, the selected receiver will be shown in the window, and the user can select ‘Unpublish.’

Removing products from a channel

If user removes products from a channel, the products will also automatically be removed from the channel’s digital catalogs.

Deleting product information in master data

If user deletes a product in Master Data, the product will also be deleted in the channels and the corresponding digital catalogs.

Show composite attributes in a digital catalog

It is now possible to show composite attributes in the digital catalog. Composite attributes will be shown on the product details page. If a composite contains multiple levels, it is possible for the user to navigate to a specific level by clicking on the links inside the composite. The link will take the user to the next level of the composite.