Introduction to Documentation

Stibo Systems' Product Data Exchange (PDX) is a complete solution for manufacturers / brands to manage, share, and optimize product information and content to drive engagement and growth across all retail channels.

Important: Some functionality is controlled via licenses and therefore may not be available on your specific system. For additional information on licensing, contact your PDX representative.

The online documentation accessible on this site is organized into main topics that cover the concepts and procedures recommended for using PDX.

Searching Online Help

When looking for documentation within online help, the following tips and tricks will help you find the information that you need:

  • Look through the topics in the left navigation panel. These topics are organized with descriptive headings, and are grouped by an umbrella topic. If subtopics exist, then clicking the umbrella topic name in the left navigation displays those topics.
  • Use the search field in the upper right corner to find help topics based on keywords. Surround your search terms by double quotes to find exact matches.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+F / cmd+F) to search for terms in search results sets or within documentation displayed on the screen.

The information above will help you quickly find the information you need. Keep reading for more detailed information about using the online help search features and common words to avoid using in the search field.

Search Field, Filter, and Button

The search field allows you to limit the list of topics displayed based on the criteria set.

To search online help:

  1. Click the filter button () to limit your search to the selected section of documentation.

  2. Type a search query (single word or multiple words) in the text field. Use double quotes for an exact search.

  3. Click the magnifying glass button () or press Enter to initiate a search.

  4. Review the results list for topics related to your search.

Searching Full Text and Phrases

The following table illustrates searched words and the results returned by the online help search option. Online help search is not case sensitive and matches may include varying endings. As an example, entering the word 'search' returns 'search,' 'searches,' and 'searching.'

Text in search field

Results include topics containing


"channel dashboard"

'channel dashboard' but not 'dashboard channel' or 'dashboard for a channel'

" " (double quotes) indicate an exact phrase and an exact order match is required

Note: If searching multiple keywords and any of them, but not all, contains some sort of formatting (e.g., channel dashboard), then that instance will not be considered an exact match.

channel dashboard

channel + dashboard

both words 'channel' AND 'dashboard' regardless of the order in which they appear

When separating terms with a blank space, the AND is always inferred. Additionally, the + (plus sign) between words indicate both words must appear in the same topic.

channel | dashboard

either word 'channel' OR 'dashboard'

| (the pipe symbol) indicates that only one of the words must appear in a topic

channel ^ dashboard

the word 'channel' and NOT the word 'dashboard'

^ (the caret symbol) indicates that the following word must not appear in a topic

channel + (product | status)

the word 'channel' AND either the word 'product' OR the word 'status'

( ) (parentheses) combines multiple search functions

channel + "product status"

the word 'channel' AND the phrase 'product status'

multiple search function with an exact phrase search

Within the list of returned topics, matches of the searched word(s) are typically highlighted. In some cases there is no search highlighting. One example where search results are not highlighted is when doing a 'channel dashboard' search versus a 'channel-dashboard' search, both return the same results but the 'channel-dashboard' search results do not have highlighted content.

Searching Synonyms

Within online help, some words are used interchangeably (like BGP and Background Process), and some have been updated over time (Portal and Web UI). To account for these scenarios, synonyms allow you to find the topics that likely address the search you are performing. For example, the words 'environment' and 'platform' are recognized as synonyms in online help. Searching for 'environment' can return topics where that word is not found, but 'platform' is, and it is likely that the topics include data about environments and/or platforms.

Searching Common Words

The common words in the table below are ignored when entered alone in the online help search field. If you use the words within a multi-word search, then you will get results. For example, entering "Create From Template" in the search field yields the expected results, but searching for the word 'From' as a standalone word will return zero results.

Words not searched
a been have may several under
about between he me she until
after but her med some use
against by his more such was
all can however most than we
also come in near that were
among do include no the when
an during into non their where
and each is not then which
are early it of there who
as for its on these with
at found late only they you
be from later or this your
became had made other through  
because has many over to