Digital assets
Images, which are asset attributes, are typically part of the import from a PMDM or PIM application. Images can also be imported through the spreadsheet method. Because images are considered assets, they can also be added, updated, or removed directly within PDX, as well as linked to or detached from a product or products.
Digital asset information
The digital assets library can be opened directly from the 'Digital assets' screen. Clicking on an asset will provide additional information about that asset, which includes the asset metadata and to which channels and products the assets are linked. The 'Used in products' information will also identify if the asset is not currently linked to any product.
Digital assets and information can also be accessed from the product list in master data or a channel. Both the list view and the grid view of products in master data or a channel will also show a linked product image — or the absence of an image for a product.
Clicking on an image or image placeholder in the list view will open either the image or the placeholder showing no image is linked. If an image is linked to the product, it can be accessed directly from this view in the Digital assets tab. Hovering over the image will manifest clickable links to change or unlink the image. If no image has been previously linked, clicking on in the empty primary image area will open the digital assets library.
In the grid view, clicking on the (if no image is linked) or the image thumbnail
(if an image is linked) will open the digital assets library either with no image or with the linked image selected.
Uploading, linking, and deleting
Digital assets can be uploaded, linked to a product, or deleted directly from the digital assets library.
To upload one or more images, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner and then select one or more images to upload. Once uploaded, the images will appear in the library. Please note this process can also be used to upload images if the library is accessed in the grid view of the master data or channel data.
Digital assets can be linked to a product in master data or channel data when the digital library is accessed from the grid view in either location. However, linking a digital asset to the product in the channel will not create a recursive link — the image will not be linked to the product in the master data. Conversely, linking a digital asset to a product from the master data will also link that digital asset to the product in the channel data.
Viewing the image in the digital assets library from any location (directly, channel data grid view, or master data grid view) allows a user to delete the digital asset. If an image is linked to a product in either the master data, channel data, or both, the image will automatically be unlinked from the product in addition to being removed from the digital assets library upon deletion.