Configured channels

The channels within PDX can be classified into Direct Channels or Configured Channels.

If PDX does not have a pre-configured direct channel to syndicate data for a retailer, a user can easily create and configure a channel that can meet the requirements to syndicate data towards an appropriate retailer or receiver. These customer-specific channels are called Configured Channels.

Configured channels can support various file formats and different delivery methods:

  • File formats can be Excel, JSON, or XML.

  • File delivery can be email, manual download, SFTP, S3, or HTTP.

This section contains a detailed procedure on how to configure such a channel. Further, this section also explains how to submit products from the ‘Master data’ to the channels that fall under Configured Channels.

For ease of understanding, this topic assumes creating a channel that could syndicate products to a retailer called Woodlands Treats or to a retailer called Forest and Trees Bakery.