Adding products using auto-categorization
PDX auto-categorization is a useful time-saving feature that allows users to set channel and category rules in order to automatically send products to the correct category, on import or impromptu, instead of adding those products manually. Best practice is when channel and category rules are used in conjunction with each other, but they can be set and run independently.
Creating channel rules
Channel rules determine how products are routed to a specific channel based on the criteria selected (defining value and attribute) when a rule is created.
After selecting the relevant channel from the Channel overview section, click 'Configure auto categorization.'
This will open the screen that provides the following options to define values and attributes:
The second drop-down provides different conditions for the attribute, such as empty, equals, greater than, less than, etc.
The third field is a free-text field to enter the specific value associated with the master data attribute. The value can be any value that exists in the master data, including numbers, words, or phrases.
Make sure the 'Channel rules' tab is selected and click '+Add channel rule.'
The first option to select is from the dropdown menu 'if master data attribute.' This dropdown consists of a list of all attributes that are tied to master data.
To complete the rule, select the attribute value and condition and insert specific value. Multiple master data attributes and conditions can be added within one rule. Simply click '+Add condition' to attach additional combinations to the rule.
Once all relationship combinations have been constructed, click 'Save.' The newly added rule will then be displayed in the channel's rules section.
Creating category rules
Category rules tell the system where to route those products that meet the channel rules that have been established and/or meet the rule or rules established within the category rule itself.
Make sure the 'Category rules' tab is selected and click '+Add category rule.' This will open the screen that provides the options to choose attributes and categories. If you have navigated away from the rules screen, click 'configure auto categorization' from the channel to return to that screen. A category should be chosen — then attribute values and conditions must be created using the same process as used in the channel rule creation.
Note: Some channels may have the option to use the category ID instead of the category / master-data attribute combination. However, channels with that option are limited as this is mainly for use with channels that have industry-known categories.
Select the category and set the master-data attribute and value. After both sections have been completed, click 'Save.' As with channel rules, multiple attribute and value combinations can be created and saved within the same rule. Only one category can be selected per rule.
Note: A 'Scheduled rules' tab will be displayed next to the 'Channel rules' and 'Category rules' tabs on a channel's rules page. This function is currently in progress and will be completed and documented at a later date.
Using channel and category rules
Channel rules and category rules can be used alone although they are most effective when used in conjunction with each other. The most precise classification is achieved when the user sets both a channel and a category rule (or rules).
Below are examples of product classifications using channel rules alone, category rules alone, and channel and category rules together. The same sample data has been used in each instance to further illustrate the differences in classification behavior.
Using channel rules
For this example, a category rule called 'Product Name' has been created as shown in the screenshot below.
All products selected in master data that meet the specifications of the channel rule can be added to the Acme channel by applying the channel rule.
Rules can be run against any or all applicable channel(s). In this case, the products should only be sent to Acme, so all other channels are deselected.
All checked products that meet the existing rule(s) of the channel(s) selected will be added to that channel.
Note: If a channel rule is the only rule applied, the products will be sent to the root directory for the channel. Once products are present in a channel, they can be moved to a different directory within that channel.
Using category rules
For this example, a channel rule called 'Soap' has been created as shown in the screenshot below. This rule designates that products meeting the attribute values be sent to the category 'Soap.'
All products selected in master data that meet the specifications of the category rule can be added to a channel's 'Soap' category by applying the category rule.
Since only a category rule is activated, the channel must be manually selected.
All checked products that meet the parameters of the category rule(s) created will be added to the channel selected.
Using channel and category rules together
For this example, the channel rule created in the channel rule example above and the category rule created in the category rule example above have both been enabled. When the products are marked to be added to a channel, the rules will work together to place the products with minor manual intervention.
All products selected that meet the channel / category rule combination will be sent to a specific category within a specific channel.
Because both rules are enabled, they will automatically assign the products to a channel and to a category based on the set parameters of the rules.
Upon submission, the products will automatically appear in the channel category.
Deleting and disabling rules
Channel and category rules can be deleted or disabled using the processes below.
Deleting rules: Deleting a rule permanently removes the rule from the channel and/or category.
Disabling rules: Disabling a rule allows the user to keep a rule but deactivates the rule until it is needed again.
Navigate to the 'Enabled' button on the right-hand side in the rules section as shown below.
Click to change to 'Disabled' and then click 'Save.'
User will be returned to the rules screen and view confirmation that the change has been saved.
Note: The same process is used to delete and disable channel and category rules. However, when a channel rule no longer applies, products that were added by the rule will be removed from the channel.