Setup Groups

Setup groups are special folders, which need to be configured to allow for holding of Integration Endpoints, business rules, Web UI configurations, workflow configurations, etc.

They are essentially the root nodes to create the system setup configurations. You can define and refine your setup groups to group the system setup configurations. These are helpful when you want all the Integration Endpoints, business rules, Web UI, workflows etc., to be grouped under respective parent groups (or folders). Additionally, there are predefined setup groups which can be edited. These are explained in later sections. An example of some setup group folders are pictured below:

Note: When setting up privileges on a user group, it is possible to apply an 'Action Set' to only have effect on a specific setup group. The general setup of privileges, and a description of all actions, can be found in the Action Sets section of the System Setup here. A sample of how setup groups can be used together with privileges will be illustrated later in this section.

The following 'Setup Actions' are setup group specific, and can be used on user groups to define in which setup group a user is allowed to maintain or view Integration Endpoints.

Setup  Actions Description
View Setup Groups

Users with this action applied will be able to view setup groups.

Maintain Setup Groups Users with this action applied will be able to create and delete setup groups. They are also able to use the cut, copy and paste actions.