Consolidating LOVs
Merging List of Values (LOVs) can involve the consolidation of two LOV lists or the consolidation of multiple LOV values. Ideally, LOVs and their values are unique selections. Merging is needed when duplicate lists or values exist due to different spellings, capitalization, or other insignificant discrepancies.
Merging LOVs
The Merge LOVs option can be used to combine two LOVs into a single selected master list.
For example, when two individual LOVs exist for the same set of values:
- Screwdriver Color with the values Black, Gray, and Blue
- Tool Color with the values Red, Black, Gray, and White
After the merge, a single, case sensitive, LOV exists with the values: Red, Black, Gray, White, and Blue.
For more information, refer to Merging LOVs here.
Merge Values in LOV
The Merge Values in LOV option can be used to combine all duplicated values into a single selected master value.
For example, when a single LOV has duplicate existing values:
- yes
- Yes
After the merge, a single LOV value exists for 'yes.'
For more information, refer to Merging Values in an LOV here.
Merging LOV Values in Bulk
The 'Merge LOV Values' option greatly eases the maintenance of LOVs that contain misaligned, repeated, or incorrect values across multiple contexts. This functionality allows users to upload a semicolon-separated CSV file containing the IDs of the LOVs in which values should be merged, the Value ID of the source value, and the Value ID of the target value. Multiple LOVs can be actioned at once, with a limit of 1,000 total values (i.e., 1,000 lines in the file).
For more information, refer to Merging LOV Values in Bulk here.