Supplier Self-Service for Onboarding

As an extension to Supplier Onboarding within MDM, Suppliers are given the capability to log into the MDM to enrich their supplier profile for the initial onboarding process.

Who is Impacted?

Arthur, a specialist on the procurement team, is responsible for onboarding new suppliers.

Jennifer is an MDM Specialist who maintains all supplier data for CleanGoods and often supports the procurement team to onboard new suppliers.

Raymond is a contact person for a prospective supplier. Raymond liaises with CleanGoods procurement team to fulfill CleanGoods’ new supplier requirements.

Kathy works on the Finance team and corresponds with Procurement in ensuring new Suppliers meet all of CleanGoods’ financial requirements.

George, a Logistics Specialist, is responsible for enriching and validating logistical information for suppliers to ensure shipments are moved properly and efficiently through CleanGoods’ supply chain.

What is the Business Problem?

CleanGoods wishes to expand their current customer onboarding process within MDM by providing prospective suppliers the ability to create, enrich, and submit their supplier profile directly within MDM. This enables a robust supplier self-service onboarding process which greatly efficiently manages the complexities of the onboarding process and improves the MDM user experience.

Current State

A Supplier MDM solution will help facilitate this process by providing a centralized hub from which supplier onboarding activities may be conducted in a collaborative fashion.

Arthur logs onto the MDM Web UI to initiate a new supplier record with minimal basic information. MDM will conduct an initial check to make sure the supplier does not already exist.

Arthur then assigns this task to Jennifer who then corresponds with Raymond, the contact person for the new supplier, to provide all further enrichment details, including relevant Ship-To/Bill-To location information. Upon completion, Jennifer then assigns the task to Kathy, a controller on the finance team. During this transition MDM runs a series of business validations to enforce mandatory fields and any compliance rules. If any fields are incomplete or fails validations, the task remains with Jennifer to rectify.

If no errors are presented, Kathy reviews this new supplier and provides additional necessary financial details. Kathy submits the task to George who evaluates all transportation information. Upon completion, George returns the task back to Jennifer who then reviews for a final approval of the new supplier. Upon this approval, MDM re-executes all business validations. Any failed validations prevent a system approval of the new supplier and Jennifer is notified to rectify the error(s). If all validations execute successfully, MDM will approve the supplier and automate the publishing of the new supplier to the ERP application.

Future State

A Supplier MDM solution will help facilitate this process by providing a centralized hub from which supplier onboarding and maintenance activities may be conducted in a collaborative and governed fashion.

Arthur logs onto the MDM Web UI to initiate a new prospective supplier with minimal basic information, including a contact person. MDM will conduct an initial check to make sure the supplier does not already exist. Furthermore, supplier-specific MDM credentials are generated and emailed to the supplier contact person provided by Arthur.

Since the expectation is for supplier users to interface directly with MDM, enforcement of proper user privilege protocols is critical which is why MDM restricts supplier users to only access and edit information for their own supplier group.

Raymond, the contact person on the supplier side, receives the MDM credentials and logs into via the Web UI. Using these credentials, Raymond may only access information specific to their supplier and cannot access or edit data belonging to other suppliers. Additionally, Raymond can create additional users for their colleagues who will also have the same privilege restrictions as Raymond.

Raymond fills out all mandatory information as required by CleanGoods and submits the enriched supplier record for approval by CleanGoods.

The enriched supplier record is assigned to various CleanGoods departments for further enrichment and validations, including Kathy who may review the payment terms and other information for invoicing purposes.

Jennifer, the MDM Specialist, who validates the data sent by Raymond reviews the information and may require Raymond to provide further information upon request. Once all validations have been fulfilled, Jennifer approves the supplier for activation and the new supplier record is sent to the ERP system or any other downstream applications.