Supplier Self-Service for Internally-Initiated Maintenance

Who is Impacted?

Arthur, a specialist on the procurement team, is responsible for onboarding new suppliers.

Jennifer is an MDM Specialist who maintains all supplier data for CleanGoods and often supports the procurement team to onboard new suppliers.

Raymond is a contact person for a prospective supplier. Raymond liaises with CleanGoods procurement team to fulfill CleanGoods’ new supplier requirements.

Kathy works on the Finance team and corresponds with Procurement in ensuring new Suppliers meet all of CleanGoods’ financial requirements.

George, a Logistics Specialist, is responsible for enriching and validating logistical information for suppliers to ensure shipments are moved properly and efficiently through CleanGoods’ supply chain.

What is the Business Problem?

To further extend the self-service approach, it is quite common that updates to an existing supplier must be made and initiated by an internal user. Such changes must be propagated to the supplier for review before it is approved.

Current State

Payment terms that are negotiated with suppliers may require periodic re-negotiates and updates. For example, Arthur must update the payment terms for a supplier due to changes in CleanGoods’ fiscal goals and other business factors. To do so, Arthur must first communicate the change to Raymond via email. If Raymond and the supplier approves of the updated terms, Arthur will then make the necessary update within MDM and submit to Jennifer for approval

Future State

By extending the MDM workflow, Arthur can make the change within MDM and submit the request to Raymond for review. If Raymond and the supplier reviews the updated terms and approves, Raymond may submit the task back to CleanGoods and Jennifer, the MDM specialist, will approve the change.

The extended processes provide a means for internal users to request or communicate changes with the supplier, while maintaining ownership of data governance.