Date Functions

Calculated Attribute expressions can be written using the following available functions. Use Cases follow the available functions table.

Note: Date functions require that date values are entered in yyyy- MM- dd or yyyy- MM- dd HH:mm:ss formats. 'ISO Date' and 'ISO Date and Time' validation base type attributes accept only these formats.

Date Function




(date, format-string[, locale])

Determine the output by formatting a date according to the format-string, refer to documentation for SimpleDateFormat for Oracle on the web.

[locale] is optional; refer to Using a Locale below


(date[, locale])

Localize the date to a string using the locale in the current / extracting / resolving context, or using the supplied locale.

[locale] is optional; refer to Using a Locale below



Returns current time on server in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.

CONVERTDATETODAYNUMBER (date in ISO format) Converts an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) to a day number where Jan 0, 1900 is used as the benchmark. For example, convertdatetodaynumber ('2019-07-02') would return a value of 43648.
CONVERTDAYNUMBERTODATE (integer) Converts a day number to an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) where Jan 0, 1900 is used as the benchmark for the day number. For example, convertdaynumbertodate (43648) would return an ISO date of 2019-07-02.

Using a Locale

To obtain a date or date / time format for a specific locale, in order to override the locale that is specified by the current context, enter the locale's ID and ensure the following property is defined in the file:


For more information on locales, refer to Context Locales documentation in this guide here.

Use Cases

For examples of these functions, refer to Date Examples here.