Match Scores

A match score is a numerical value between 0 and 100 between two golden records. Match scores are relevant in a Clerical Review Task List, where low numbers indicate a low match between a potential duplicates and the workflow node (where a workflow node is the top golden record), and 100 indicates a perfect match.

The scores determine how a record is placed in relation to the clerical review thresholds of the matching algorithm. If the value is above the upper limit of the clerical review threshold, the records are merged automatically and are removed from the task list. If the value falls below the lower limit of the clerical review threshold, no action is taken. If the value falls between the Clerical Review thresholds, the records are considered potential duplicates and appear as a task in the Clerical Review Task List for a data steward to analyze.

Note: Match scores are sometimes referred to as rank scores in documentation and within the STEP database.

Match scores are further defined in the following topics:

For an illustration of how match scores affect two potential duplicates in a match and merge solution, refer to the Potential Duplicate Match Scores Examples topic here.