Product Data Exchange

Product Data Exchange is a platform or foundation which holds product data and provides powerful capabilities to reuse and transform master data to meet various requirements of downstream recipients such as: retailers, e-commerce platforms, internal systems, and other digital channels.

Product Data Exchange has two different services: PDX Syndication and PDX Onboarding.

PDX Syndication allows brand manufacturers and distributors to utilize the complete toolkit of the platform to prepare product data for submission to a variety of pre-built and configured channels. For more information on how to configure STEP to provide PDX the product information for later syndication to the retailers of interest, refer to the PDX Syndication topic in this documentation.

PDX Onboarding allows retailers to invite their suppliers to PDX, providing the capabilities necessary to syndicate their product data to the retailer who invited them. This enables retailers to consistently receive product data of high quality and completeness. For more information on how to configure STEP to receive product information from all the suppliers using PDX, refer to the PDX Onboarding topic in this documentation.

For detailed information on how to get an administrative account for PDX and specific PDX documentation, contact Stibo Systems.