Other OIEP Dependencies

The PDX OIEP automatically includes information from the 'Product Attribute Help metadata attribute' text retrieved from the baseline STEP configuration set on the Users & Groups node:

The PDX OIEP also automatically includes information from the 'Primary Image Reference Type' setting:

The integration to PDX will transfer available help text stored in the meta data attribute selected, in the example shown above, it is 'Attribute Help Text,' for the product attributes included in the export. However, only the attribute help text in the Default Context will be imported to PDX. This makes the help text available when viewing the PDX Master Data. For more information, refer to the Base Setup topic.

In the example below:

  1. An attribute is shown with a meta data attribute storing help text.

    The help text is then visible on the column headers in PDX Master data as seen in the two locations below:

  2. Similarly, the designated primary image reference type, 'ProductImage,' will determine what images shows up in the thumbnails of the PDX UI.

    In the screenshot below is a product with multiple asset references.

    When viewed in the master data grid view in PDX, the asset references display under the corresponding columns.

    If the Primary Image Reference Type is not defined in STEP, assets will still be transferred and available to recipients downstream of PDX.