OIEP - Post-processor - Transformation by XSLT

The Transformation by XSLT post-processor allows an XSLT 2.0-compliant stylesheet to be used during export to transform outbound STEPXML files.

Note: To use this post-processor successfully, the outbound file or message size must be 50 MB or smaller.


  • The XSLT Post-processor requires STEP XML or Advanced STEPXML as output. To reduce the size of the output, configure Advanced STEPXML to limit the exported attributes.

  • Generic XML output for XSLT is not supported. To resolve the error message 'Post-processor is not declared compatible with format converters, skipping format conversion', set the output as STEPXML or Advanced STEPXML.


Before configuring the Transformation by XSLT post-processor, you must first:

  1. Perform the Initial Setup for XSLT Stylesheets.
  2. Create an XSLT Stylesheet Object - these steps must be performed for each separate stylesheet needed. Search the web for information on creating a valid XSLT stylesheet.

For more information on these two steps, refer to the IIEP - Configure Transformation by XSLT Pre-processor section of the Data Exchange documentation here.

Note: Saxon is an XSLT and XQuery processor. Information can be found via links on the Open Source Components page that can be found at the bottom of the list of topics in the left navigation panel of online help.

Configure the Transformation by XSLT Post-processor

Once the prerequisite tasks have been completed, you can configure the post-processor in the OIEP configuration tab.

Note: The <xsl:result-document> tag is not supported. It is not possible to create multiple output documents from a single input document.

  1. In the Configure Post-processor dropdown, select Transformation by XSLT.
  2. In the XSLT Stylesheet parameter, click the ellipsis button () to display the Select XSLT Stylesheet dialog.
  3. Select your stylesheet and click the Select button.

The exporter will use the selected XSLT stylesheet to transform the outbound file.

  1. Click OK once the stylesheet has been selected.