Oracle AQ Receiver

Oracle Advanced Queuing (Oracle AQ) enables messages to be exchanged between two systems.


Changes to the properties file, outlined below, are implemented when the server is restarted.

  1. Prior to configuration, clicking the Connection URL dropdown parameter displays the required property name. Provide a selection for the dropdown parameter via the file on the STEP application server using the case-sensitive OracleAQReceiverConnectionURL property. For example, two URLs are displayed with the following property setting:

  1. Prior to configuration, clicking the Queue Name dropdown parameter displays the required property name. Provide a selection for the dropdown parameter via the file on the STEP application server using the case-sensitive OracleAQReceiverQueueName property. For example, a single URL is displayed with the following property setting:



After completing the prerequisite steps, edit the receiver of the IIEP. Use the following parameters to configure the IIEP. For information on a parameter, hover over the parameter field to display help text.

  1. For Receiver, choose Oracle AQ Receiver.

  2. For Connection URL, select a URL pointing to Oracle AQ.

  3. For Queue name, select an Oracle AQ queue name.

  4. For User Name, enter a user name to be used to log on Oracle.

  5. For Password, enter a password to be used to log on Oracle.

  6. Click the Next button to continue with the IIEP - Configure Endpoint and subsequent steps.