Hotfolder Receiver Using File Sequence

The 'Hotfolder using File Sequence' receiver enables setup of a standard data hotfolder where a sequence ID (included in the file name) determines the file processing order. Files are placed into this folder and are processed by the integration endpoint. Typically this is on the application server or can be reached from the application server. All formats supported by the standard import functionality are available via hotfolder import.


The location of the 'Hotfolder' and 'In folder' parameters are determined by the file Install.HotfolderRoot property. Changes to the properties file are implemented when the server is restarted.


After completing the prerequisite steps, edit the receiver of the IIEP. Use the following parameters to configure the IIEP. For information on a parameter, hover over the parameter field to display help text.

  1. For Receiver, choose Hotfolder using file sequence.

  2. For Hotfolder, the name entered is used to create a folder on the application server in the 'upload' directory.

  3. For Keep file after load, specify if files dropped in the hotfolder should be removed after processing the files. Selecting 'Yes' requires periodic manual cleanup on the server. Selecting 'No' removes the files automatically. Common setup is to select 'No' to prevent the need for manual cleanup.

  4. For Number of files to keep in save, specifies the number of files to be saved in the save folder after automatic cleanup. Parameter can save up to 1,000 files.

  5. For Time to keep files in save (in days), specifies the number of days the files are saved in the save folder. Parameter can save files for up to 365 days.

  6. For Number of files to keep in failed, specifies the number of files to be saved in the failed folder. Parameter can save up to 1,000 files.

  7. For Ignore sub folders, specify if subfolders within the hotfolder (which contain files) should be ignored. If set to Yes, files in these folders will not be imported. Common setup is to select 'No' in order to process all files, regardless of their location within the hotfolder or a folder below it.

  8. For In folder is optional. Enter a name for an 'In' folder. The name entered is used to create a new folder under the directory specified above in the 'Hotfolder' parameter. If no folder is specified, files are dropped at the hotfolder top level.

  9. For Pattern of Sequence File is required. Enter the relevant file pattern. For example, if the hotfolder is used to parse XML files, the pattern could be: file#.xml. In this case, a file name must begin with file and have the extension xml. The # indicates a sequence number.

  10. For Sequence Number is required. Enter the sequence number of the first file to be processed. For example, if the first number is 1, file1.xml is processed first, then file2.xml, and so on. The sequence number will automatically increment so that it is always possible to view the number for the next file. With this option, sequences can only be skipped if you manually reconfigure the 'Sequence Number.'

  11. Click the Next button to continue with the IIEP - Configure Endpoint and subsequent steps.