IIEP - Configure Post-processor
A post-processor has access to import events (information about what has changed) and, based on the events, can trigger any required system change. Typically, post-processor logic is implemented via business rules referenced from the processing engine configuration.
A custom post-processor ('custom extension') allows specialized logic to be executed and can be coded by Stibo Systems but involves the additional cost of defining requirements and a separate implementation process. Custom extensions must be validated and potentially updated to ensure successful future system updates. A custom post-processor can be created by submitting a 'custom extension' request to the Stibo Systems Service Portal.
The 'Invoke OIEP' post-processor option is available for use with an external Version Control System (VCS). For more information on VCS integration, refer to the Version Control System Integration topic in the Configuration Management documentation.
Enabling post-processor options
For on-premises systems, to enable the wizard step and access the 'Invoke OIEP' post-processor, you must apply the configuration-management add-on component.
Post-processors are not valid for use with the Kafka Streaming Receiver.
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