FAB-DIS Import Background Processes

Importing FAB-DIS data from the ETIM and Media tabs of an Excel file is available in an IIEP via the FAB-DIS Importer processing engine. When a FAB-DIS Importer IIEP is invoked, the following multiple background processes (BGPs) can run.

  1. The initial BGP displays the following information:
  • The user, date and time that the process was invoked.
  • A link to view the secondary BGP.
  • When necessary, the problem that caused the secondary BGP to fail.
  1. The second BGP takes the following actions:
  • For all imports, determines if the data meets the prerequisites defined in the Prerequisites section of the FAB-DIS Import Format topic here.
  • If the Excel file has an ETIM tab, data is processed and products are created and/or updated. All ETIM information is reported in this BGP execution report. Unlike typical multi-BGP scenarios, when this BGP completes with errors, if Media data is being processed, the next BGP is started.
  • If the Excel file has a Media tab, products are created or updated with only the data mapped to the MARQUE and REFCIALE columns. These products are referenced to the imported assets.
  • If the Excel file has a Media tab, a subsequent BGP is started to import assets. A link is displayed to view the asset importer BGP.
  1. The last BGP runs the asset importer when required.


Most of the errors reported by the FAB-DIS Importer processing engine give details and direction for resolving the problem. For details on import requirements, refer to the Prerequisites section of the FAB-DIS Import Format topic here.

The following reasons for failure involve multiple elements, and therefore the resolution is not presented clearly in the execution report.




Classification 'ETIM7_' not found is reported on the initial execution report

For the ETIM import, a transformation is defined in the Map Data step of the IIEP for the ARTCLASSID column. The transformation inserts 'ETIM7_' before the classification ID.

An row in the Media tab contains a REFCIALE that is not found on the ETIM tab, which indicates a new product should be created.

The new product is created but cannot be added to a classification since the classification is not available in the FAB-DIS file.

When this error is reported, the XML also includes a malformed tag, displayed as: <ClassificationReference ClassificationID="ETIM7_"/>

Manually select a classification for the new product, or reimport with the new product's REFCIALE on the ETIM tab.

Asset file '<file name>' not found. asset with no content will be imported. is reported on the asset importer execution report

The asset file cannot be found in the .ZIP file or via external download. This can happen when the URL or URLT cannot be accessed by the importer, the value in the NOM field does not match an asset in the .ZIP file, a .ZIP file was not supplied, or no URL or URLT value is present.

Make the asset freely accessible.