ETIM API-Based Import Process
Use the following steps to start the ETIM Taxonomy API import.
On File menu > Import > click ETIM... to open the Import ETIM wizard.
For the Select ETIM Version and Article Groups step, click on the ETIM version dropdown to select the ETIM version that is to be imported. This will display all the applicable article groups in the wizard. Select all article groups to import, and click Next.
For Select Languages, select the languages to import, and click Next.
For Advanced, select the only available checkbox 'Create FVALUE Details attributes' that determines whether or not to import the FValue Details attributes into the system. When checked, a new attribute group with the name 'ETIM Value Details Attributes' is created. The attributes created in this group are written with the ID composed of the prefix 'ETIM_', the ETIM attribute ID, and the text '_FVD' (which indicates FValue Details), 'ETIM _EF007220_FVD.' When exporting this data, using the 'ETIM FVALUE Details' aspect, allows the value from these attributes to be output in the FVALUE_DETAILS tag.
Click Finish to begin the import.
Start the import. If required, refer to the information in Running a Data Import topic.
When the Import Manager Pipeline background process is complete, the newly created classification folders are displayed in the Tree.