Business Rule Use Cases

The following list includes some of the most common uses for different types of business rules.

Object Approval

Business actions can be triggered by an approval on an object and can make changes to the object being approved, change other date in STEP, or external systems.

Business conditions can be triggered by an object approval and function as gates, either allowing or preventing approval of the object.

Imports / Inbound Integration Endpoint

Business actions can be executed in relation to objects being created or updated via the import.

Business conditions can serve as a filtering tool that can reject object creations as well as any importing data that modifies existing objects.

Note: Business actions will only be executed if all business conditions evaluate as true.

Exports / Outbound Integration Endpoint

Business actions can be evaluated for each generated event with the purpose of producing derived events.

Business conditions can be evaluated for each generated event, either allowing or preventing the event from being added to the associated event queue.


Business actions are be evaluated executed when an object enters a state (On Entry), an object leaves a state (On Exit), a deadline is met, or when a transition is performed (On Transition).

Business conditions are tested on the transitions between workflow states, which will serve as a gate as to whether or not an object is moved between states.

Reusable Helper Functions

Business functions serve as a means of helping other business rules. Business functions are the only type of business rules that produce a result based on inputs without changing those inputs or any other data in STEP. Business functions allow users to write JavaScript logic in one place that can be called from other business rules.

Translation status of a node

Business functions allow users to access the translation status of any object considering both its context and workspace. It ensures that only translated objects are exported and checks translation status as part of an approval. It also factors translation status into the sufficiency score of an object.