Administration Portal

The Administration Portal (commonly referred to as the admin portal) provides a number of useful tools, enabling administrators to support STEP without physical access to the system. Some functions available within the admin portal are useful only for Stibo Systems Technical Support and/or R&D groups, while others are applicable for any system administrators. Specifically, the admin portal allows administrators to:

  • View and download information about the system, including activities and processes being performed on the STEP application and their impact on the server(s) via the Activity tab

  • View the amount and types of requests made to the system, and how long it takes for the requests to be answered, via the Activity Dashboards tab

  • View the number of active and inactive users within a specified time period

  • View and download system logs via the Logs tab

  • View and download InDesign Renderer logs, and download and upload log configurations

  • Monitor servers, events, and components via the Monitoring tab, including providing data for external monitoring systems

  • View the system properties configurations (e.g., the properties and values in the system properties files) via the Configuration tab. For Stibo Systems SaaS environments, relevant configuration properties can be viewed and modified via the Self-Service UI.

  • Trace business rules, compare system configurations, generate a system snapshot, and test user authentication via the Tools tab

  • Perform healthchecks for common system issues via the Healthcheck tab

  • Send diagnostics and healthcheck information to Stibo Systems via the Send Diagnostics tab

  • Extract static texts for localization of interfaces and import translations via the Localization tab

This guide describes how to access the admin portal, as well as detailing the uses and available functions of the tools that are useful for administrators outside of Stibo Systems.