Centralized configuration

Centralized configuration

Centralized configuration is a centralized storage model for configurations. The centralized configuration concept is intended to make Instrument usage much easier for users and admins. The configurations are stored in System Setup nodes that live below Setup Groups within System Setup. The system relies on the presence and the content of these configurations, and it will change or remove the configurations when necessary.

Additionally, there is a "Centralized Configuration Attributes" attribute group that works with these configurations.

Important: Do not make any manual changes to any of these "Centralized Configurations" nodes / groups.

Instrument will no longer function if you make changes.

Administrators should review the Configuration Management - Export topic to understand centralized configuration solution details and how to export configurations to import into other systems for a Development, Testing, Acceptance, and Production (DTAP) approach to testing and deployment.

Using GraphQL, administrators can make a few changes that will be stored in the centralized configurations storage model as mentioned above. Examples of this are the Creating default collection perspective columns and Setting business action availability topics.