New features and fixes

Below you will find a basic summary of the new and enhanced features for Instrument. The benefits of each update include an improved user experience, increased efficiency, and expanded solutions to support your business needs.

User experience and functionality improvements are ongoing for each update via internally- and externally-identified bugfixes as well as the development updates listed below:

June 2024 - 2024.2


Users can now add reference targets to multiple objects in a single action. By multi-selecting objects in a list view on a Browse, Task, or Collections perspective, users can choose target reference objects via the node picker to assign to all selected objects.

Support for data containers has been expanded to include support for references in the details view. Additionally, filtering for data containers is now available.

A new Packaging Hierarchy tab has been added to the "Details" view, allowing you to view all packaging objects related to the selected object, as well as everything within the packaging objects.

Performance improvements for Instrument's landing page and the configuration tool have been implemented to provide a consistent and smooth experience without system interruptions.

Administrators can now import configurations from older versions of Instrument, which ensures backward compatibility of the central configuration.

Providing a quick way to view translation status on products in bulk view, a new "Languages" column can be configured to display target language translation statuses for products within browse and task perspectives.

March 2024 - 2024.1


References are now easier to view and manage in Instrument. References now display in a tabular format on a new 'References' tab when viewing object information in the "Details" view. Valid reference types display in a list beside the primary details window that clearly indicate which reference types contain references. Admin users can also configure which reference types display on the tab.

Explore further by clicking the video below. If it does not play as expected, it is available in the Customer / Partner Communities and may also be accessible within Stibo Systems Service Portal.


Support for entities in the "Browse" perspective has been implemented in Instrument. This includes the ability to search for entities, and to view entities' associated references.

Support for data containers has been expanded to include creating new data containers using keys, viewing and editing data containers in the details view, and continued maintenance of data containers in the details view. At this time, only data containers containing attributes are supported. Support for references will be available in a future update.

Search cards can now be configured to display up to four attributes via the Customize toolbar button.

The behavior of preset configurations defined by administrators has been streamlined for the users. Columns and filters defined by the administrators will display to the users and cannot be removed. However, users can still manipulate and maintain zoom levels, column width, as well as add and maintain new filters in preset perspectives. Upon these changes, the 'Reset perspective' feature is enabled which allows users to revert to default perspective settings defined by administrators. To further distinguish between preset and custom work areas, a ‘Custom’ marker will be displayed on and inside the work areas to the users.

Greatly expanding users’ ability to manage assets in Instrument, users can now import assets and automatically create references between objects and assets. By clicking the new Import button on the Assets tab in the details view, users can select a reference type, an upload configuration, and then an asset to import.

Perspectives can now be restricted to user groups within the same work area. The user group field that was present on the work area level has been moved to “Conditions for display” for the Perspective configurations in the configuration tool. The perspective will always be visible when no user group restriction has been applied under “Conditions for display.” Users will be able to see the surrounding work area if they have access to the corresponding perspective. This gives administrators the ability to restrict different perspectives to different user groups within the same work area as well as provide administrators with the flexibility to customize a work area for different user groups.

ISSUE-685615 - Reading and writing data used to store configurations for Instrument could in some cases fail when multiple users were updating multiple configurations at the same time.

December 2023 - 2023.4


Instrument is now generally available to all customers starting with the 2023.4 update.

When clicking the "User Settings" button in the user action toolbar, a dialog displays with the user name of the user logged into Instrument, with a "Log out" button displayed beneath the user name.

The viewed context now displays to the left of the search bar in the utilities section of Instrument (upper-right corner). This persistent display of context provides users with context information at a glance. When the viewed context name is clicked, a dropdown displays from which users can select a different context in which to view their data.

Users are now able to enter intentional line breaks by using the "Shift" + "Enter" keystrokes when entering text values within a List view.

When the number of tabs configured on a details view exceeds the width of the table, users can now click an arrow located at either end of the row of tabs to scroll additional tabs into view.

PDX channel statuses can now be displayed in bulk view to show syndication statuses. Columns can be added to tables in work areas to show specific channels as well as the individual statuses for each product. Status types have also been updated and expanded to give users more details about current channel syndication states. Product managers can easily track syndication updates from tables in perspectives and tasks in work areas.

Attributes and references set as mandatory for specific workflow states now show as mandatory in task views in Instrument by displaying with a red asterisk.

In the asset details view, an asset preview now displays for asset references, and users can now remove and upload new asset content while retaining all links for the asset. For instance, if a supplier's logo has been updated, and the updated logo should be referenced by the same products and display the same attribute values, users can swap the old logo image for the new with no additional enrichment required.

Attribute tab pages can now also display reference information. Provided the references are included within attribute groups, admins can configure attribute tab pages to show attribute and reference content in a single page.

Data containers are now supported in Instrument and can be viewed and modified within the details view. There are some current considerations and limitations that users should be aware of as outlined in the online help.

September 2023 - 2023.3 (11.3)


The toolbar buttons "Add" and "Remove" have been updated. They now display as "+" and "-" grouped together as "References" buttons. These buttons display in all views, and are always active.

In the "Compare" tab, when an attribute value in the "Internal Source Record" column matches the value in the "Golden Record" column, the cell in the "Internal Source Record" column is now also shaded green. Previously, only values in the external source record columns would be shaded green when they matched the "Golden Record" column value.

You can now import and export Smartsheets, using the same import / export dialogs that have already been developed in Instrument. This streamlines the data exchange process and enables you to easily edit products and onboard new ones in bulk via Microsoft Excel.

PDX channels can now be added to tables in work areas. This allows users to easily add and remove PDX channels as well as display and filter them all in one place.

A new set of object type icons, available and configurable in the STEP Workbench, will also display in Instrument. The updated object type icons will display for object types shown in a hierarchy.

The default facets available when making a search query now update dynamically to provide more relevant choices.

June 2023 - 11.2 (2023.2)


A "Search" tab is now available on the Node Picker, enabling users to search for and then select items to reference. The "Search" tab allows users to search for product folders (or "nodes") and connect those folders to an item via a reference link.

You can now import product data based on import configurations. Easily upload import files, executing the import via a background process, with the ability to review the execution log for further details. Basic error handling utilizing the notification center will identify issues with the import process.

Asset attributes that describe facets of the asset itself, like mime type, color space, pixel height, etc., now display on an asset's "Details" tab under a new "System Attributes" section.