Instrument Documentation
Important information

Some system administration setup is required before using Instrument. In-Memory and Elasticsearch are prerequisites to running Instrument. Online help In-Memory and Elasticsearch can be found in the STEP Documentation.
As a user, once all setup is done, you:
Access your Instrument UI via [system name]/instrument or using the link on the right side of your system Start Page.
Log in and set your default context preference.
Begin customizing your work area.
You can search for configuration information in this documentation. Getting started provides a quick overview of the unique user experience Instrument provides. Also, there are a few prerequisites that administrators should look at to ensure your user experience goes smoothly. If you do need assistance, refer to the documentation topics using the quick links above or the links in the left navigation area. You can also search documentation using the search bar at the top of each page.

Windows and Mac clients: Chrome and Firefox
Windows only: Edge
Mac only: Safari
The latest versions of these browsers are supported. Ensure that you are using the latest / most up-to-date browser version to have the best possible user experience. The term "latest" is defined by the browser vendor, so check with browser vendors to determine the latest version available and upgrade as needed. Stibo Systems strives to test all new supported browser versions, and on very rare occasions, may need to provide special instructions if a browser update has backward compatibility issues.

Our goal is to provide a user experience that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. Users can work within Instrument by using keyboard shortcuts such as the tab key, arrow keys, and the space key.

Online help for standard STEP functionality can be found via the Help link within workbench or via the STEP Documentation link on your system's Start Page.

Send your comments and questions to Our User Experience Research team will follow-up with you. You are also encouraged to join the Stibo Systems Customer Community to get exclusive access to information, resources, and events as well as to collaborate with other users.