
One or more fields can be sorted by ascending or descending alphabetical order. This makes it easier for you to find a group of tasks easier. For example, you may want to sort tasks based on task assignee, task status, or task deadline.

To sort a perspective, select Sort from the toolbar.

In the sort menu that appears, browse or search for the desired field and specify whether it should sort by ascending or descending alphabetical order.

Note: You can only sort on attributes and aspects.

If you configure the perspective to sort by multiple fields, it will sort them in order of appearance on the Sort by list. This order can be changed by dragging and dropping the fields with the drag handles. For example, in the below image the perspective sort priority is Workflows first, then Name, and finally Object Type.

Note: Ascending / descending order for the Approval Status column is done by status and not alphabetically. For example, ascending order is as follows: Approved, Approved in current context, Partially approved, Not approved. Any objects that have an empty (none) Approval Status, which could be the case if there are unrevisable objects in the list, will appear at the bottom of the list for ascending order and at the top of the list for descending order.

The number indicator over the sort button indicates how many fields are being sorted on.